
AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission), European Centre of Expertise (ECE)
Flash Re por t 1 2/2018
Decem ber 20 18
Luxem bourg
Sum m ary
(I ) The so cial elect ions will tak e pl ace on 12 March.
(II) Th e social minim u m wage will be increased
by 1 .1 per cent fr om 01 Januar y
onward s.
(I I I) A jud gm ent by th e Con stit ut iona l Cou rt on dism issal and tw o r ulin gs b y t he Cour t
of Ap peal on pay ment an d an nual leav e ar e analy sed.
(I V) The CJEU case C- 619/16, Kreuzig er is addressed .
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1 Nation al Le gislat ion
1.1 So cial e lections
The social elections ( em p loyee deleg at es) h av e been p ostpon ed from their tradition al
per iod in aut um n t o the beginning of the year to prevent collision w ith legislative
elect ions. Wher eas thi s pr inci ple is d efi ned in law, a decr ee h as se t the dat e f or 12 Marc h
2019 ( see: Arté minist ériel du 3 décem bre 2018 portant fix at ion de la d at e pour le
renouv ellem ent des délégation s du per sonnel pour la pér iode de 2 019 à 20 24’) .
1.2 Mini mum w age
On the basis of t he biann ual gen eral r ev iew of t he social m inim um w aget he tradition
bei ng to adap t i t t o the gen eral dev elop men t of s alar iesit w ill incr ease by 1. 1. per cent
aft er 01 January 2019 . The new governm ent s coalit ion agreem ent contains a m or e
gen er al d ecision t o raise the social m in imum wage by EUR 10 0 (see: Loi du 21
déce mbr e 2018 mo difiant l’a rticle L.222-9 du Cod e du tr avail’) .
1.3 Pend ing b ills
The St ate Coun cil has issu ed opin ion s on Bil l No . 72 68 (c oncer nin g pro fessio nal tr ain ing )
and No. 7 324/ 0 2 ( concern in g t ime saving account s in t he pr iv at e sector ), but —aside
from formal rem ark sm ade no subst an t ial observation as far as labour law is
concer ned.
2 Cou r t Rulings
2.1 Dism issa l la w
Consti tut ional Cour t, No. 00142 , 14 Decem ber 20 18
In a recent case, the Const itu tional Cour t ( ‘Cour Const itu tion nelle ’) dea lt wi th dism issal
prot ection of pregn an t work ers. A w oman w as wor king under a sp ecialinit iation
contract(cont r at d’init ation à l’emploi’), which had been arr anged by the j ob centre
(A DEM) t o p rov ide h er wit h t heor eti cal an d p ract ical tra inin g. She w as d ismi ssed durin g
pr egnan cy and filed a claim for nu llit y of her dism issal befor e th e Labour Court .
The lab our cour t of f irs t i nst ance decid ed t hat it d id n ot hav e ju ris dict ion. I ndee d, labou r
cou rts are only com pet ent for emplo yment co ntr acts, and accord ing to we ll-establish ed
case law, special integration con t ract s do n ot qu alify as employm ent contracts.
Furtherm ore, Ar t icle L. 331- 1 of t h e Lab ou r Code on pregnancy ex plicit ly st at es th at

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