Methodology Matters; Even More

AuthorBill Lee
Published date01 March 2020
Date01 March 2020
Methodology Matters; Even More
This editorialessay reflects on the importanceof a section like Methodology Matters and its first two years.It also
introduces the six articles in this issue of the European Management Review (EMR) that follow this essayand have
progressed successfullythrough the reviewprocess for publicationand it suggests waysin which the debates that each
of those articles have started may be extended. This introduction also justifies other additions to the agenda that
appeared in the original call for papers for submissions to this section of EMR.
It is less than two years since I (Lee, 2018) had the
pleasure of introducing the first article to be published in
the Methodology Matters section of the European
Management Review (EMR); namely Reissners (2018)
idea of a conversational space map to aid reflexivity for
researchers whose capacity for visual perception was
greater than their capability for textual recognition. Since
then, there has been the publication of papers by:
Schumacher (2018) who proposed a practitioner-
practitioner-researcher inquiry group as a means of
promoting academics and managerscollaboration in
industry; Cassell and Bishop (2019) who discussed the
different types of understanding of the same qualitative
database that may be obtained by applying metaphoric,
story-telling and thematic forms of analysis; and Li
et al. (2019) who reflected on the merits of some of the
assumptions that are made in statistical analysis.
These publications vindicate the decision to introduce
the MethodologyMatters section. As explainedat the time
of its inception, provision of such a section in an
established journal like EMR helped overcome the
problem that is faced by new journals discussing research
issues, namelytheir low ratings in ranking indicesbecause
of their limited history. Although there is an odd
established methodological journal in the management
area and there has been the occasional special themed
issue on methodological concerns in other general
management journals, restricted publication opportunities
may have contributed to limitations in our knowledge of
the strengths and dra wbacks of different methodological
approaches and the factors that e ither facilitate or obstruct
their application. As Pritchard (2020) notes, space
constraints in m ost journal articles prev ent detailed outline
of the methodological framework used when reporting an
empirical study that forms the substantive part of
many articles. Having full-length articles simply about
methodological issues in Methodology Matters provides
an important space for such discussions to take place.
The original call for papers for Methodology Matters
expressed a desirefor plurality and for articles thatlooked
beyond the simple technical issues of applying a method
to look at the influence of the context on the actual
practice of research. Methodology Matters has certainly
realized its objective of pluralism, already including
papers on quantitative (Li et al., 2019) and qualitative
methods (Cassell and Bishop, 2019). It has also realized
the objective of looking beyond the technicalities of
methods to the environment in which people conduct
research as illustrated by Reissners (2018) discussion on
the capacities of different researchers and
Schumachers (2018) consideration of academics
collaboration with practitioners. This plurality and
contextualized understanding is also evident in the range
of papers that appear in the extended Methodology
Matters section below.
Before proceeding to review the articles that are
publishedbelow, it is of value to comment on a key reason
for desk-rejection of many articles submitted to
Methodology Matters and why I have discouraged formal
submission of numerous others that have been sent to me
informally with the authors asking my opinion of their
suitabilityfor the section. Overwhelmingly,such rejection
and discouragement is for one particular reason.
Methodology Matters was established to provide a
peer-reviewed outlet for articles that make a
methodological contribution. The majority of articles that
I receive either after or before formal submission, do not
do that. They provide an empirical study where the
authors state they have conducted their research in a
slightly different way to how other authors have reported
on their methods. That does not make a methodological
contribution per se. The substantive content of those
papers remain the empirical study and the authors only
provide mention of a methodological contribution at best
European Management Review, Vol. 17, 279284, (2020)
DOI: 10.1111/emre.12398
©2020 The Author
European Management Review published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Management
This is an open accessarticle under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivsLicense,
which permitsuse and distribution in any medium,provided the originalwork is properlycited, the use is non-commercial
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