Tax neutrality of corporate financing: a European Law perspective

AuthorE. Traversa - D. Modonesi
PositionProfessor of Tax Law at the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve. - PhD student at the European School of Fiscal Studies - University of Bologna and at the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve.
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Ta x n eutrality of corpor ate fina ncing: a European La w
pe rspective
E. Tr aversa a nd D. Mod one si1
1. Pr e face. The tax regim e o f corpor ate fin a ncing betw e en national
an ti-abu se measures a nd in terna tion al do uble t axation
Corpor ate financing can be conducted primar ily via t he allocation of own
capital or via debt cont ract s wit h t hir d subj ects (ind ependent financial
instit utions or f in an cing com panies wit hin t he sam e m u lt inational g roup) .
The national tax provisions applicable to dividends and int erest are
gen er ally dif ferent. Therefore, one cou ld wonder w het her European law
tends to favour one of these two form s of corporat e financing or if on the
contrary, it is n eutral towards t hem .
The ex istence of different tax r egim es for interest s an d dividends at the
lev el of a sin gle m em ber state can have a twofold effect. On one hand,
ther e could be a disproportion of the t ax treat m ent of int erest compared to
dividends. This sit uat ion could have t he effect of st im ulating companies to
increase t he financing via debts stock s only because of t ax convenience
(thin capit alization) . Th er efor e, this phenomenon is gener ally relat ed to th e
creat ion of anti-abuse provisions at t h e national state level. On th e ot her
hand, a potentially different tax tr eatment can have an impact at an
international level due t o the lack of coordination between nat ional tax
system s. Thus, double taxation cou ld take place (or, m ore r ar ely, a double
non- t ax ation).
Further m ore, it is necessar y t o ver if y w hether and w it hin which lim it s the
introduction of such anti-abuse m easu res and the phenomena of double
© Copy rig ht Seast – Al l ri ghts reser ved
1 Edoardo Traversa is Professor of Tax Law at the Universi Cat holique de Louv ain -la-
Neuve. Diego Modonesi is PhD st udent at t he Eur opean Sch ool of Fiscal St udies – University
of Bolog na an d at th e Uni versit é Cath oliqu e de Louv ain- la-N euve.
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taxation are admissible in European law , especially considering the
judgements of the European Cou rt of Just ice ( ECJ).
At t he sam e tim e, t his analysis w ill verify whether the judgm ents of t he ECJ
also allow t he identification of a pr efer en ce for one of the t wo m et hods of
com pany corpor at e financin g ( equity or ow n capital) at a European level,
that indirect ly influence t he choices of t ax legislat ors at the m em ber st ate
lev el.
Such an analysis will also consider the im pact of the lim ited, but st ill
exist ing, EU secondary legislation in the area of dir ect taxat ion2, as it is
interpret ed b y t he ECJ.
2. National re gim es o f ( in) dedu ct ibility of divid ends a nd int e r est .
Com pa riso n
As h ig hlig hted, ther e ar e ob vious disparities of treat m ent in t he regime
applicable t o t hese two cat eg or ies of income. Prim a facie interest is
def in able at an internal lev el as w ell as an international level as
remunerat ion of debt capital. It is usually considered as a dedu ct ible cost in
the calculation of t he base of in come tax paid to the st ate in which t he
com pany receiving the loan is est ablished. On on e hand the payer is
exem pted from t he taxat ion related t o t he amount paid as interest and can
furth er ded uct it from th e tax base. On t he ot her hand, this is
count erbalanced by the f act that t he beneficiary of t he interest s will be
taxed. Nevertheless, at the n at ional level rest rict ions and lim itations on t he
deductibility of interest may exist especially vis- à- v is t he tax avoidance
schemes related t o t he pay m ent of int erest t o debtors established in
count r ies with a lower taxat ion 3. In Europe, it is necessary to verify the
© Copy rig ht Seast – Al l ri ghts reser ved
2 The subject of in direct t axes is a r esponsibi lity of member stat es in t he respect of t he
Euro pea n law . For exam ple, see ECJ 11 Aug ust 19 95 , case C-80 / 94 , Wielockx , Racc. p. I-
2493, point 16; ECJ 6 Jun e 2000, case C-35/98 , Ver kooij en , po int 32 ; ECJ 4 March 2 00 4,
case C-3 34/ 0 2, Comm ission vs. France, Racc. pag. I-2 229, point 21; ECJ 15 July 2004, case
C-315 / 02 , Len z, point 19 , as well as ECJ 7 Sept em ber 2004, case C- 319/ 02 , Manninen ,
point 19. See J. Malh erbe, Ph. Malh erbe, I . Richelle and E. Tr av ersa, Direct taxation in t he
case- law of the Europ ean Cour t of Just ice, Brux elles, Lar cier, 200 8, p. 3 22.
3 See Ano uc van den Berg v an Sapar oea , Opt im izing t he int er est deduct io n ru les A
nev er -end ing story , Eur opean Tax at ion, January 2009 p. 3, and Ch ri stian Dorenk am p, T he

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