New forms of fiscal control in Italy

AuthorAndrea Mondini
Studi Tributari Europei 1/2016
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New forms of fiscal control in Italy*
Andrea Mondini1
1. “New” and “modern” between continuity and reforms of the tax
Is there really something “new” in Italy nowadays as far as fiscal controls
are concerned?
To an sw er t his que st io n, w inlli ng ly posed in a provocative manner, one
should first of all analyse the decrees implementing the tax reform designed
by law n. 23/2014, since the Government, through them, chose to act more
on formal and procedural law than on substantial law (with and exception
being made for international tax law).
From the implementation of the reform no significant innovations with
concern to models, techniques and the instruments of tax controls and
assessment seem to emerge, specifically as far as investigative powers and
procedural rules are concerned2.
The Italian system of tax controls is a conservative one, still linked to a
historical model dating back to the tax reform of the 1970s, which
strengthened a model of tax enforcement typical of a “mass taxation”.
*How to quote this article: A. MONDINI, Le nuove forme di controllo fiscale in Italia, in Studi
Tributari Europei, 2016, n. 1, pp. 27-40, DOI: 10.6092/issn.2036-3583/7824.
1 Andrea Mondini, Associate Professor in Tax law at the Universiity of Bologna. Revised text
of the report given to the international convention Moderniser l’impôt”, Un ive rs ity of
Bologna, 13th november 2015. Tr ans lat ion by A ndr ea A mi dei , Ph D in Eur ope an Ta x La w at
European School of Advanced Tax Studies Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna,
2 The introduction of a general anti-abuse clause (article. 10 bis of theStatuto dei diritti del
contribuente) indirectly exercises its influence on controls, but this element is actually not
so “new”: fighting abuse of law from a procedutal point of view reiterates models already
experimented; therefore, preventive debate between taxpayer and authorities as a necessary
procedural phase, with a function that is not only “defensive”, but of investigative integration.

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