* The European immigration and asylum policy: critical assessment five years after the Amsterdam Treaty is the title of a new book written under the joint supervision of Francois Julien-Lapierre (professor at the Jean Monnet University in Paris), Henri Labayle (professor at the Faculte de Bayonne) and Orjan Edstrom (professor at Umea in Sweden) and co-financed by the EU within the framework of its programme of the same name. It analyses the different Acts of Congress on the subject organised in Paris in June 2004 by Odysseus, the Academic Network for legal studies on immigration and asylum in Europe. It looks at European Policy in these two domains with regard to the standards adopted by the EU. The conclusions all tended towards the question of the current existence or future implementation of a truly common immigration and asylum policy.

Ed. Bruylant, rue de la Regence 67, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium, part...

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