Pension system in a comparative analysis

AuthorBora Angjele
Vol. 3 No. 2
July 2017
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Pension system in a comparative analysis
Bora Angjele
This article is about the reform of the pension system in Europe and Albania.The social security
system in Albania has evolved. The system's initial format was comprehensive, covering third-
party risks, disabilities, head of household death, short-term illness, and maternity leave,
unemployment, and health costs. These bene ts were nanced through payroll contributions
and were assessed by both the employer and the employee, but at di erent rates for various
bene ts. However, our country as well as many other transition countries has experienced an
increase.Level of labor informality has led to limited income from wage contributions, while
facing the burden of supporting older generations, many of whom enjoy full pension rights.
Albania has managed to avoid a nancial crisis in the social security system. In the current
model of the pension system there are major de ciencies. The article introduces systems and
reforms and re ections on the elections.
Keywords: pay as you go system, multipurpose pension system, contributory system, social
Social security, as a massive collective security scheme, guaranteed by the state, started
for the rst time in Germany in the years 1817-1823. On the basis of this principle, for the
rst time in 1839 Von Bismarck in Germany formulated the so-called social insurance
scheme on the principle of solidarity and continuity of generations, whereby all
employed persons made contributions up to a certain age backed by old people's income.
Later we nd such schemes in Austria in 1888, Luksuzburg 1901, Serbia 1910, Russia 1911,
Britain 1911, Romania 1912, Poland 1920, Greece 1922 etc.,. For the rst time the special pension
was given to writer William Shekspir in 1566. Pension bene ts were rst born in France in 1910
for workers, earlier this pension existed for war soldiers (Bundo, 2012).
There is an evolution of social problems in our country and the legislation of this
problem has been developed following these social problems.
Thus, Social Security in Albania was created in 1947, but we have found elements of
social security in our country since 1923 (Kepi, 2007, 13-22).
For the rst time in its history Albania had a public social security system in 1927,
at the time of King Zog. The system, which bene ted only civil servants, was set up
according to the model that was created in 1889 by the German emperor Bismarck,
the prominent German man of the 19th century. The engine of that system was the
principle of solidarity between generations.
The system today is represented by the Social Insurance Institute, an independent public
institution, run by an Administrative Council and controlled by the Ministry of Finance.

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