A philosophical approach on administrative procedure

AuthorValon Leci
Vol. 2 No. 1
January, 2018
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2519-1284
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
A philosophical approach on administrative procedure
Valon Leci
Protection of the rights of parties by public administrative bodies which supervise the
legislation enforcement and which issue decisions on this ground is enabled only through
solid and concise structuring of administrative procedure and respecting of this procedure by
all persons involved in a certain administrative procedure. Therefore, the state which is the
only institution to have the competence for issuing and enacting laws, always keeping in mind
which regulate the whole procedure to be carried out in order to make a public administration
act binding on parties and so be respected. This type of governance of procedure development
for authoritarianism and arbitrariness, and create one of the manners for functionalising the
rule of law.
Keywords: Law, justice, procedure, human rights.
The overall discourse on the manner of functioning the society and maintaining the
social cohesion is mainly developed in two basic antagonist lines, whose benchmark is
of a constitutional institution, as it is the state, which would organize and enable the
life of people without society, is not necessary. Even though there is an antagonism
even within this group as a result of individual positioning with the society and the
state, however, their convergence point is the exclusion of the need for existence of
astateThesetwoanarchist groupsareCommunitariananarchists conrmtheidea
that the minimalistic and narrow societies, which in fact due to their narrowness
enable a totally normal functioning of the relevant society and respect of relevant
agreements because even in such societies there is total mutual pam-individual
recognition. “Communitarian anarchists argue that, in a society made up of communities like
this, cooperation will be possible on a much larger scale. Essentially communities will agree to
for instance – and they will collaborate on projects that need to be carried out on a larger scale,
for instance, creating a transport system or a postal service. It is in each community’s interest
to make these agreements, and the penalty for breaking them is that no one will be willing to
cooperate with your community in the future if it proves to be untrustworthy. So once again
there is no need for a central authority to tell people what to do, and no need to use coercive
Second group of anarchists are libertarians, who consider that all eventual services
of the state in relation to individual and protection of their rights, freedoms and
interestsmaybeperformedbydierentprivateeconomicentitieswhich havetobe
 DavidMillerPoliticalPhilosophyAVeryShortIntroductionOxfordUniversityPresspg

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