
AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission), European Centre of Expertise (ECE)
Flash Re por t 1 2/2018
Decem ber 20 18
Sum ma ry
(I )
The dr af t am endm ent s to the Labour Code on r educing t h e working t ime of
employ ees w ith parental dut ies, as w ell as on on call t im e and t he remun er at ion of
em ploy ees m anaging t he est ablishm ent in the n am e of the em ployer
have been
reject ed b y Par liam ent.
(I I) The Con stit ution al Tribun al delivered a ru ling on claim s of a dism issed em ploy ee
of pre-r etir ement age .
(III ) The Sup reme Court deliver ed a ruling on t he scope of exceptions to the ban on
work on Sunda ys in com mercial est ablish men ts.
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1 Nation al Le gislat ion
1.1 W orkin g t ime of em ployees w it h parental du tie s
On 06 December , t h e dr aft amendm ent to t he Labour Code on redu cing t he work in g
ti me of em ploy ees wit h par ent al d ut ies was re ject ed by Parli am ent . Th e u nde rly ing ide a
was t o r educe th e daily wor king hour s to sev en (instead of current ly eight h ours) of
employ ees w ho ar e parent s or custodian s of a ch ild below the age of 15 years. Their
remun erat ion would n ot h ave been redu ced.
Source s:
Inf orm atio n relating to the legi slati ve p rocess is a vaila ble h er e.
The Lab our Cod e of 2 6 June 19 74 i s ava ilable here.
1.2 On-call t ime
On 06 Decem ber, the draft amend ment to th e Labour Code concerning oncall t ime as
well as t he r emu neration of emp loyees managing the establish ment in the n ame of t he
em ploy er w as r eject ed by Parliam en t .
Inf orm atio n on th e legislat ive proce ss is av ailable here.
2 Cou rt Rulings
2.1 Pro tect ion a gai nst d ism issal of em ploy ees o f pre-r etir em ent a ge
Const itu tion al Cou rt, No. P 13 3/15 , 11 Decem ber 2018
On 11 Decem ber, the Constitut ional Tribunal del ivered a ru ling ( case P 1 33/ 15) on the
incom pat ib ilit y of t he Labour Code (h er einafter: LC) p rovisions with the claims of a
dismissed employ ee of pre- retir emen t age.
In Poland, sev eral em ploy ee groups ar e covered by enhanced pr ot ection again st
dismissal, i.e. provisions on the prohibition of t erm ination of an em ploym ent cont r act
exist or sp ecific r equirem ent s need to be fulf illed . Em ploy ees of pr e-ret irem ent age are
cov ered by such special pr otect ion.
Und er Ar ticle 39 LC, an em ploy er m ay not ser ve a noti ce of te rmin atio n to an emp loye e
who will r each retirem ent ag e within four years, if her fur ther emp loym ent m eans she
wi ll r eceive an old-age p ension upon reach ing th at age.

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