Policy cycle

4. Policy c ycle
European Inst itute for Gender Equal ity
4. Policy cycle
Integrating the gender perspective in a polic y
means that equality between women and men,
as the overarching principle, should be taken
into consideration in all decisions, in each phase
of the policymaking process, by all the actors
Methods and tools Methods and tools
Methods and tools
Methods and tools
In this phase it is recommended that information
be gathered on the situation of women and men
in a particular area. This means looking for gender
disaggregated data and gender statist ics, checking
for the existence of previous research or projects,
and/or evaluations from previous periods.
Examples of gender and migration statistics
The Eurostat database on migration and integration
provides statistical information on migration data,
as well as on indicators on migrants’ integration.
All data are sex-disaggregated.
The database on migration and migrant population
includes information about:
migration flows;
migrant population;
acquisition of citizenship.
The database on asylum and managed migration
provides data on:
asylum (first-time applications: age and
gender, unaccompanied minors applying
for asylum, firs t instance and final decision
on asylum);
Dublin statistics (covering information on
persons subjects to the Dublin regulation);
residence permits;
children in migration (asylum statistics and
residence permit information on unaccom-
panied minors).
A thematic section on indicators on migrant s and
migrant integration provides a set of indicators on
relevant integration issues, in particular:
social inclusion (income and poverty rates,
leaving conditions, material deprivation);
health (status and care);
education (higher education attainment,
early school leavers, those not in educat ion,
employment or training, participation in
lifelong learning);
employment (labour status, ac tivity rate,
unemployment, employment and self-em -
active citizenship (long-term residents and
naturalisation rate);
Labour Force Survey ad hoc modules on
migrant integration (provides data from ad
hoc modules of the Labour Force Survey
focusing on migrant women and men in the
EU labour market).
Most indicators in this thematic section provide
sex-disaggregated data.
OECD migration databases. The Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
manages the Database on Immigrants in OECD
countries (DIOC) and the Database on Immigrants
in OECD and non-OECD countries, which includes

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