Quality of service of the public administration in the Road transport service in Albania

AuthorSuela E. Shpuza
Vol. 2 No. 2
July 2016
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Quality of service of the public administration in the Road transport service in
PhD (C.) Suela E. Shpuza
Quality represents a key element to achieve the performance, especially customer service qual-
ity. In response to the pressure of globalization, the market has become increasingly competi-
tive and many organizations actively seek ways, to add value to their services and improve
theirquality ofservice Organizationsusually tendto maketheir operationsecient This
process begins with the assessment of customer needs, their requirements and performance of
domestic human resources. Based on the study of literature questions regarding the impact of
customer quality, customer service are aroused in the performance of the departments of Road
Transport Services in Albania, based on interviews collecting information about the process,
methods, system and process quality management.
Keywords: road, transport, quality, public administration, Albania.
This article is based on the method of Matrix balanced scorecard (BSC), which is
a management system that enables organizations to clarify the vision and strategy
and translate them into concrete actions (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). Also, this model
provides feedback on internal and external business processes at the same time
about their results (Kaplan & Norton, 1993). BSC suggests that organizations should
be judged from four perspectives which include consumers nance process
and innovation & learning .Other methods used in this paper are the descriptive,
qualitative, quantitative method, through which marketing strategies have been
described through direct interviews and a structured questionnaire.
Quality is tness for use Juran  Quality is conformity to requirements
Crosby  It is an agreement provided for uniformity and dependence
withlowcosts byadapting tothemarket Deming quotedin Other
scholarsasFeigenbaum essentially denedquality as away ofmanaging
theorganization SixyearslaterOakland gaveamore practicalsensetothisterm
Aerthes thecreation ofthe InternationalStandardsISO wascreated which
impliesthetotal qualityofthecharacteristics ofanentitythat appearonitsability
to satisfy the needs expressed or implied (ISO 8482: 1994: vii). Japanese standards
fortheindustry usethewordentitywhichisasubstituteofthewordgoodsand
services implying quality the production system that satises the demands of
workers. Feigenbaum (2010) extends the meaning of this concept in an organization
in what would later be called Total Quality Management.
Quality management in the organizational context will be the application of certain
practices and techniques which ensure that the nal product or output of an

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