Questionnaire development
Pages | 13-14 |
Questionnaire development
Benefit s of gender equality th rough infrastruct ure provision: an EU-wid e survey 13
2. Questionnaire development
The questionnaire is structured in ve parts,
each containing dierent items, from question
zero (Q0) to Q22b (see Annex 1). In keeping with
the proposed theoretical framework, the most
important part of the questionnaire is that which
includes questions related to the methodology:
the questions to implement CA (Part C) and SWB
(Part D). Part E is also important, as its questions
(Q14-20) deal with gender roles, caring activ ities
and time use. Part A contains questions on the
sociodemographic prole of respondents, while
Part B aims to determine (objectively and sub-
jectively) the levels of importance, access and
satisfaction given to public infrastr ucture by the
European population.
This part of the questionnaire covers sociode-
mographic information, such as sex, age, place
of residence and employment status, as well as
some lter questions to identify and subse-
quently exclude respondents outside the tar-
get population.
Given that the sur vey is done by telephone and
the possibility of using both xed and mobile
lines was considered, Q0 investigates whether
or not there is a dierent telephone line to that
used to contact the respondent. Q1 asks for the
respondents sex, Q2 their age, Q3 asks either
the region (A) or whether the respondent is
a resident of a Member State (B). Ques tion A or
B is asked, depending on whether the national
coordinator is stratifying based on region (A) or
not (B). Question B ensures that the target pop-
ulation is interviewed (i.e. residents of a Mem-
ber State). Q4 determines the type of place of
residence, and Q5 the employment status of
the respondent.
This part of the questionnaire collects respond-
ents subjective assessments of the importance
of public services in light of their own needs
and access. It also includes a subjective evalua-
tion of satisfaction with the safety, securit y and
quality of the public ser vices used, where the
respondent or a dependent (i.e. someone for
whom they provide daily care, such as a child or
older relative) has used some of these services
in the las t 10 years.
Part B uses ve questions to evaluate the impor-
tance and qualit y of all 11 public services. Q6,
Q7 and Q8 are asked of all respondents, while
Q9a and Q9a are asked to respondents who
answered YES (1) to Q8.
Q6 includes the denition of public ser vices,
indicating that they refer to both public and
subsidised private services. The question is
designed to shape respondents expectations
of the number of ser vices under considera-
tion. Highlighting the role of services in cre-
ating friendlier neighbourhoods encourages
individuals to think about importance in terms
broader than their own immediate needs. The
question addresses the importance of each ser-
vice to respondents, how essential or important
it is in allowing respondents to live their life in
the way that best suits them.
Q7 measures access level to all 11 public ser-
vices. The question denes access as whether
the public service exists, whether it can be
reached and whether respondents can aord
it. Where respondents cannot use the service
for one or more of these reasons, it is deemed
Q8 addresses the use of the aforementioned
public services in the las t 10 years by the
respondent or their dependents.
Q9a and Q9b ask about respondents level of
satisfaction with these public services in terms
of safety and security (Q9a) or quality (Q9b).
Safety and security is dened as the capacity
of a service to avoid damage and adverse out-
comes (accidents/incidents including violence
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