
AuthorChryso Pelekani, Loizos Symeou
Situation of Roma women
1. Local authorities and all stakeholders should inform the Roma women about
opportunities in participating in vocational education and training in Cyprus. If
Roma w omen cannot meet the criteria to attend the existing programmes, they
should be provided with specific training and lifelong learning programmes to
improve their lite racy, to de velop their skills, and be provided with skills
certification. Adapted teaching material (by qualified teachers with experience in
teaching Roma adults) should be adapted.
2. Local authorities and all stakeholders should find resources and create special jobs
for Roma women.
3. Conducting research by universities or other institutions to identify the problems
faced by Roma women in Cyprus, focusing on their immediate needs. Based on the
results findings, recommendations should be formulated to address the problems
of Roma women.
4. The Nat ional Contact Point for Roma (Ministry of Labour), local authorities, non -
governmental organisations working on human rights and social affairs should have
an ongoing dialogue with the NGO CYPROM, and especially directly with the
representatives of Cypriot Roma women, in order to be informed about Roma
women’s living conditions and problems, and to organise common actions and
information campaigns to combat discrimination and racism affecting Roma
Roma’s mobility and internal migration
5. Research institutes and universities should conduct research to verify the reasons
for Roma em igration from Cyprus, mobility within Cyprus, and what immediate
needs these relocations are attempting to meet. Based on the findings, suggestions
should be made for improving local solutions to the basic problems of the Roma.
6. The Interior Ministry should come into direct dialogue with representatives of the
Roma and try to find immediate solutions to the housing issue and to res olve the
existing housing problems of the Roma.
7. The Turkish Cy priot Properties Management should increase and intensify its field
inspections of T/C residences and prefabricated houses occupied by Roma in all
provinces of the RoC.
8. Local communities who coexist with the Roma should be sensitised as to how to
mitigate or prevent conflicts and stereotypes and should aim for social cohesion.
9. Common cultural events should be locally organised among the Roma and members
of other groups to develop intercultural dialogue.
Impact of drug distribution and use
10. The government should design and reproduce audio-visual, digital and print
materials in Greek and Turkish to inform Roma about the issue of preventing drug
distribution and use.
11. Responsible authorities should organise seminars for Cypriot Roma to raise
awareness about drug distribution and use, including interpreters and mediators
from the Roma community.

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