Relationship between number of employed students with number of students that perceive themselves as brands

AuthorJetmira Kociaj - Teuta Nunaj
PositionJohn Jay College of Criminal Justice, USA - Marin Barleti University, Albania
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 3 No. 2
June, 2019
ISSN 2519-1284
Acces online at
Relationship between number of employed students with number of students
that perceive themselves as brands
MSc. Jetmira Kociaj
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, USA
PhD. Teuta Nunaj
Marin Barleti University, Albania
According to Personal Brand strategist Meredith Liepelt “Your brand is what people think of
when they think of you. In some ways, it's a re ection of the values you represent and the talents
you can bring to a company (Cote, 2016)”. It is a time-consumingprocess, but its role is crucial
nowadays. This research paper aims to provide general information on personal branding and
the impact that employment has in it. The focus of this study are Albanian studentsand how
their engagement in employment policies (work experience, training program, internship)
impacts their perception on personal Branding. The research question of this paper is: Is there
is a relationship between employment and personal branding perception? T o answer the
research question, a mixed approach of qualitative and quantitative research was conducted,
and questionnaires were distributed to third year Business Administration students (Bachelor
Students who study Brand Management). The ndings and conclusions of this study indicate
that employed students are more oriented towards personal branding, but neither engaged
students’ nor unengaged ones think that their brand can be communicated online. This study
has an innovative value, because there are no studies focusing in the role that employment
plays in personal branding perception.
Keywords: Personal Branding, Personality, Personal value, Self-presentation.
In many states, governments, in order to deal with the youth unemployment
problem, design strategies, approve policies and support contracts between faculties
and private enterprises. These engagements decrease the number of unemployment
among students, but indirectly these help them knowing themselves and growing
as personally and professionally.Branding (in general) is as old as human kind.
Johansson and Carlson say; “brands are trademarks that identify the product maker
or service provider” (Johansson, 2015). Regarding Montoya and Vandehey, Personal
Brand is related to three elements: “1) that is you, designed to convey two vital
pieces of information to your target market, who you are as a person and what you
specialize in doing, 2) It is a promise and tells prospects what others can expect when
they deal with you; 3) a Personal Brand is a relationship that wields in uence over
prospects and clients” (Peter Montoya, Tim Vandehey, 2009). Keller thinks that: “The
right awareness and image can be invaluable in shaping the way people treat you
and interpret your words, action and deeds” (Keller, 2008) and only by knowing and

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