Review of existing literature

AuthorCETMAR, COGEA, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (European Commission), POSEIDON, Seascape Belgium, Universidade de Vigo
Study on the Economic Impact of MSP
1 Review of existing literature
The first task of the study consisted of a review of the literature on the economic
effects of MSP, so as to understand whether other researchers carried out exercises
that are similar in scope to the pre sent study. The rationale behind this task was to
take stock of the methods used by economists to quantify the impact of MSP on an
economy, in order to benchmark the method to conduct the case studies to be carried
out in Task 4 against the most reliable state-of-the-art approach es used in literature.
To ensure full coverage, we reviewed both scientific papers from peer-reviewed
literature, as well as reports from grey literature related to MSP.
The methodology applied to carr y out the task is known as critical systematic review,
which is made up of 4 phases: Identification, Screening, Eligibility and Inclusion. The
goal was to identify the widest possible number of papers and publications dealing
with the quantification of the economic effects of MSP. Economic effects may include
direct and indirect costs an d benefits to the maritime sectors considered in a plan, as
well as costs and benefits associated to oth er phenomena such as reduction of
administrative burden, simplification of permitting/licencing procedures, etc.
1.1 Identification
The first phase of the literature review aimed to identify the largest possibl e number
of papers and publications dealing with the quantification of the economic effects of
MSP. Economic effects include direct and ind irect costs and benefits to the maritime
sectors considered in a plan, as well as other costs and benefits such as reduction of
administrative bu rden, simplification of permitting/licencing procedures, etc. To avoid
methodological biases, multiple sources were used, both academic (SCOPUS and Web
of Science) and non-academic, such as grey literature or li terature indexed in other
databases (reports, technical studies, working pap ers by e.g. the United Nations or DG
MARE, etc.). In terms of geographical scope, no li mitation was applied. Special
emphasis was placed on papers and reports from the case- study countries, but
literature from any other region of the world was taken into consideration, as long as
it was in one of the l anguages spoken by the research team. While in pri nciple it is
possible that some publication in a language not spoken by the research team escaped
the review, this circumstance is highly unlikely, at least as far as scientific papers are
concerned, because usually peer-revi ewed journals require that at least an abstract b e
submitted in English.
In order to identify the available literature, search equations were use d in referenced
search engines
6 to query the different databases selected. The search equation s varied
depending on the database consulted and depending on the search criteria (e.g. t itle
of the document, keywords, summary, a combi nation of these three, etc.). Th e exact
keywords used in the search equations play a pivotal role. Th ey need to be sufficiently
“broad”, so as not to overlook any relevant publicationś at the same time, they need
to be precise enough to obtain only results (i.e. publications) that are german e to the
topic at hand. The keywords selected were:
6 An example of a search equation is:
( ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( maritime AND spatial AND planning ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( maritime AND spatial AND regulation ) OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY ( marine AND spatial AND design ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ocean AND spatial AND planning ) OR TITLE -ABS-
KEY ( ocean AND spatial AND regulations ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ocean AND spatial AND design ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (
coastal AND spatial AND planning ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( coastal AND spatial AND regulations ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( coastal
AND spatial AND design ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( i ntegrated AND coastal AND management ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( integrated
AND zone AND coastal AND management ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( marine AND spatial AND planning ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (
marine AND spatial AND regulations ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( marine AND spatial AND design ) ) AND PUBYEAR > 1999 )

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