Risk Management in the banking and insurance sector

AuthorIbrahim Mala - Shkëlqesa Çitaku
PositionUniversity of Prizren
Vol. 4 No. 1
March, 2018
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Risk Management in the banking and insurance sector
PhD (C.) Ibrahim Mala
University of Prizren
PhD (C.) Shkëlqesa Çitaku
University of Pristina
Risk management is becoming an integral part of every organization, especially for the banking
and Insurance sector because of their high-risk business. Both sectors try to manage the risks
of their clients and their own risks. But, challenges in the banking and insurance industry
are frequently in uenced by the liquidity rations and the amount and quality of capital as
ground requirements for risk management. The risk exposure in recent times is becoming
more complex, more dynamic and diverse. Hence, we need to understand the risks which
can be taken and the risks which should be avoided. In the other side insurance policies are
long term, enabling insurers to stabilize the nancial system and o en insurance is the nal
transfer of risk. In this paper we will analyze an overview of risk management in the banking
and insurance sector.
Keywords: Risk management, banking sector, insurance sector, Basel II, III, BRRD, SRM.
The risk management requires an integration of management into the companies
system, process and culture. The risk management process consists of a series of steps,
such as identi cation, analyzing, assessing, treating, monitoring. By implementing
risk management organization can reduce unexpected and costly problems.
The main focus of risk management has mainly been on controlling and compliance
with regulatory framework.
During 2007-2009 a lot of banks had a problem with liquidity. It was evident that
pro tability of capital did not save the bank against bankruptcy. In respond was
established the Requirements for strong liquidity risk management and new rations
for liquidity coverage and Net stable fund, mainly by the Basel III regulation. Based
on the regulations the banks have to develop plans for risk situations, set of tools
of all supervisors when bank is in breach of prudential requirements. The risks in
Banking other than liquidity are credit risk, interest rate risk, market risk, operational
risk. Liquidity risk of banks arises from funding of long term assets by short term
liability, thereby making the liability subject to re nance risk or possibility that an
institution may be unable to meet its maturing commitments or may do so only by
borrowing funds at prohibitive costs. Credit risk is potential of a bank borrower or
counterparty to fail to meet its obligations in accordance with the agreed terms. In
other words, credit risk can be de ned as the risk that the interest or principal or both
will not be paid as promised. Interest rate risk arises when the net interest margin or

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