Roles of professionals and services in the real estate market

AuthorPinkel, Tobias
Consum er mar ket stud y on the fun ctio ning of the r eal estate servi ces for consum ers in the EU Coun try Fiche Germ any
3. Roles of prof essionals and ser vices in the real estate m arket
Ta ble 7: R ole of p rof essi ona ls i n t he re al es tate m ar ket
Est ate age nt
Pr ope rty
va lua t or 5 2
Law y er /
Advo ca t e/
Solic ito r
No t ary
Ba nk
Lice nce d
con veya nce r
Te chn ical
ex pert
re lev an t
Ma in f unct ion :
do es t he
pr ofe ssiona l
typ ical ly w ork
in dep end ently
or as pa rt of a
fi rm or
an othe r
or gan isation?
Most rea l est ate
agent work
in depen dentl y or
in sm all firm s.
How ever , few
lar ge real estate
agent fi rms e xist .
app licable.
In consu mer
tr ansact ion in
fact never
Not aries work
indep enden tly .
N/ A
Prof ession
doe s not exist
in Germ any .
ty pically
wo rk in
sm all
off ices.
Exte nt of
en gage me nt
( at whi ch
po int (s ) doe s
ea ch
pr ofe ssiona l
inte rve ne in
the pr oce ss?)
Mat ching th e
part ies.
The n otar y i s
coor dinating/
guidi ng t he
process from t he
pre-ch ecks in th e
lan d r egist er
un til the tit le is
registered in the
lan d r egist er and
th e ow ner ship is,
th ereb y,
tr ansf er red.
Financin g for
th e bu yer .
Ma nd ator y
in vo lv em e nt
N/ A
52 I n so me EU count rie s, t he r eal e stat e pr oper ty v alua tor s are reg ulat ed as a pr ofessi on t hat is se para te f rom est ate agent s (e .g. Hung ary , Lit huan ia, Latv ia); t heir serv ices migh t b e obl igat ory ,
espe cially wh en t akin g m ort gage loans .

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