Roles of professionals and services in the real estate market

AuthorHristova, Nataliya
Consum er mar ket stud y on the fun ctio ning of the r eal estate servi ces for consum ers in the EU Coun try Fiche Bulgaria
3. Roles of professionals and serv ices in t he real estat e mar ket
Ta ble 7 : Ro le of pr ofe ssiona ls in th e r ea l e sta te m ar ke t
Est ate age nt
Pr ope rty
va lua t or 5
Law ye r
No t ary
Ba nk
Lice nce d
con veya nce r
( archit ect ,
en gin eer,
Ot her
re lev an t
pr ofe ssion a l
Main fun ction:
doe s th e
pr ofession al
ty pically work
indep enden tly
or as p art of a
firm or anot her
organ isat ion?
Firm or
Firm or
Firm or
Independ en tly
N/ A
Not kn own on
Bul garian real
est ate m ark et
As a bove
As a bove
As a bove
As a bove
Purcha se
As a bove
As a bove
As a bove
As a bove
Lett ing
As a bove
Occasion al
As a bove
As above
Renti ng
As a bove
Occasion al
As a bove
As a bove
Ext ent of
eng agem ent ( at
wh ich p oint (s)
doe s each
pr ofession al
interv ene in the
First point for
Prelim inary
bef ore offeri ng
th e pr operty
on t he m arket
and ju st
bef ore
When draf ting
th e de al
When signing
con tra cts i n
nota rial for m
needed before
sig ning a co ntr act
As a bove
As a bove
As a bove
As a bove
Purcha se
As a bove
As a bove
As a bove
As a bove
Lett ing
As a bove
As a bove
As a bove
Usually not
Renti ng
As a bove
As a bove
Usually not
5 I n som e EU co unt ries, th e rea l est ate prop ert y v aluat ors are r egul ated as a pro fessio n th at is sep arat e fr om estat e ag ents (e. g. H ungar y, Lith uania , Lat via ); the ir s ervi ces m ight be oblig ator y,
espe cially wh en t akin g m ort gage loans .

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