Self-employed workers (Directive 2010/41/EU and some relevant provisions of the Recast Directive)

AuthorVesna Simovic-Zvicer
8 Self-employed workers (Directive 2010/41/EU and some relevant
provisions of the Recast Directive)
8.1 General (legal) context
8.1.1 Surveys and reports on the specific difficulties o f self-employed workers
According to the latest data, 23.4 % of women were self-employed, which is around twice
as many as men.73
8.1.2 Other issues
There are no other issues to be mentioned.
8.1.3 Overview of national acts
Montenegro has ratified a large number of international human rights instruments, among
which the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
(CEDAW) is of particular importance.
National legislation provides the preconditions for achieving protection from discrimination
in t he field of entrepreneurship through a series of systemic documents regulating this
In addition, the Government of Montenegro has adopted several strategies aimed at
increasing economic potential, including those relating to the development of women's
Strategy for th e Development of Female Entrepreneurship in Montenegro 2015-
2020, with the Action Plan: This strategic document emphasises the need for an
integrated approach to strengthening women’s entr epreneurship based on the
gender sensitivity of all actors in political, economic and social life.
National Strategy for E mployment and Human Resources Development 2016 -2020.
One of the objectives of this strategy is increasing the efficiency of employm ent
measures with a special emphasis on inclusion in the labour market of young people,
women and long-term unemployed persons.
Strategy for lif elong entrepreneurial learning 2015-2019. This strategy recognises
the six key challenges to be addressed in order to achieve the vision of lifelong
entrepreneurial learning as the basis for the life philosophy of all citizens, which will:
increase the level of awareness and development of the entrepreneurial spirit in the
whole society; develop skills useful in life that will help individuals to get better jobs
or create new businesses and make Montenegro a country of knowledge, innovation
and competitive companies;
Plan of activities for achieving gender equality in Montenegro 20 17-2021. This plan
has a strategic objective to increase the employment of w omen (including self-
employment) and to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women in th e
labour market.
8.1.4 Political and societal debate and pending legislative proposals
There are no proposals pending.
8.2 Implementation of Directive 2010/41/EU
Directive 2010/41/EU has not been explicitly implemented in the law of Mont enegro.

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