Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia (Pleno) de 30 de marzo de 2004 enel asunto C-167/02 P: Willi Rothley y otros contra Parlamento Europeo («Recursode casación — Acto del Parlamento relativo a las condiciones y las modalidadesde las investigaciones internas en materia de lucha contra el fraude — Recursode anulación — Admisibilidad — Independencia e inmunidad de los miembros delParlamento — Confidencialidad de los trabajos de las comisiones de investigaciónparlamentarias — Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude (OLAF) — Facultadesde investigación»)

JurisdictionEuropean Union
Celex NumberC2004/106/16
Published date01 December 2004



Official Journal of the European Union

C 106/11


(Full Court)

of 30 March 2004

in Case C-167/02 P: Willi Rothley and Others v European Parliament (1)

(‘Appeal - Measure of the Parliament concerning the terms and conditions for internal investigations in relation to the prevention of fraud - Action for annulment - Admissibility - Independence and immunity of Members of the Parliament - Confidentiality connected with the work of Parliamentary committees of inquiry - European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) - Investigative powers’)

(2004/C 106/16)

Language of the case: German

In Case C-167/02 P: appeal by Willi Rothley, residing in Rockenhausen (Germany), Marco Pannella, residing in Rome (Italy), Marco Cappato, residing in Milan (Italy), Gianfranco Dell'Alba, residing in Rome, Benedetto Della Vedova, residing in Milan, Olivier Dupuis, residing in Rome, Klaus-Heiner Lehne, residing in Düsseldorf (Germany), Johannes Voggenhuber, residing in Vienna (Austria), Christian von Boetticher, residing in Pinneberg (Germany), Emma Bonino, residing in Rome, Elmar Brok, residing in Bielefeld (Germany), Renato Brunetta, residing in Rome, Udo Bullmann, residing in Gießen (Germany), Michl Ebner, residing in Bolzano (Italy), Raina A. Mercedes Echerer, residing in Vienna, Markus Ferber, residing in Bobingen (Germany), Francesco Fiori, residing in Voghera (Italy), Evelyne Gebhardt, residing in Mulfingen (Germany), Norbert Glante, residing in Werder/Havel (Germany), Alfred Gomolka, residing in Greifswald (Germany), Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf, residing in Spenge (Germany), Lissy Gröner, residing in Neustadt (Germany), Ruth Hieronymi, residing in Bonn (Germany), Magdalene Hoff, residing in Hagen (Germany), Georg Jarzembowski, residing in Hamburg (Germany), Karin Jöns, residing in Bremen (Germany), Karin Junker, residing in Düsseldorf, Othmar Karas, residing in Vienna, Margot Keßler, residing in Kehmstedt (Germany), Heinz Kindermann, residing in Strasburg (Germany), Karsten Knolle, residing in Quedlinburg (Germany), Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, residing in Weimar (Germany), Christoph Konrad, residing in Bochum (Germany), Constanze Krehl, residing in Leipzig (Germany), Wilfried Kuckelkorn, residing in Bergheim (Germany), Helmut Kuhne, residing in Soest (Germany), Bernd Lange, residing in Hanover (Germany), Kurt Lechner, residing in Kaiserslautern (Germany), Jo Leinen...

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