Staffmotivation research related to the main theory of motivation

AuthorLatif Krasniqi
PositionFaculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Ohrid, Macedonia
Vol. 2 No. 1
January, 2018
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2519-1284
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PhD (C.) Latif Krasniqi
Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Ohrid, Macedonia
The purpose of this paper is to explain motivation in terms of the most important motivational
theories. Analysis and treatment on this topic is not comprehensive, as this theme or issue
itself is much wider, but I have only addressed a few points or elements that are essential and
are the most important.
I have tried to present an analysis and description of the role of motivation in the behavior of
an individual or group to accomplish many goals to achieve greater success both in the career
development and the organization.
Motivation as a concept is a key element of virtually every human activity, whether it be an
individual, group, team or business organization. Withoutmotivationorwithoutstimulating
work, achieving a particular goal, task or strategy is almost impossible.
Managers and employees want to achieve a situation in which through the motivation
processwillbeensuredthe improvementoftheeectivenessandeciency oftheenterprise
or organization and the improvement of the market position of enterprises towards the
Thereforeinthispaper aerthepresentation ofdataandgeneral descriptionsattheend of
the paper are also presented the conclusions and recommendations on the motivation that
we think are useful and contribute to behavior, satisfaction, development and stimulation in
motivation is applied in Kosovo.
Keywords: Motivation, objectives, purpose, individual behaviors, stimulation,
The term motivation derives from the Latin word "movere" which means "to move."
Motivationisbroadlydenedasan actofenforcing withinaperson andtriggering
a push.
Leadershipand perseverance representsa voluntary eortto accomplish the goal
The motivation theory is one that deals with processes that explain why and how
human behavior is active.
In practice, the growing number of reasons that contribute to motivation is known
to be one of the most important and toughest things for all managers of companies
andorganizationsfromallwalksoflife Onereasonisthatmotivationisconsidered
a regulator of direction and contributes to the preservation of human behavior to
achieve an objective.
Managers and employees want to achieve a situation in which through the motivation
processwill be ensuredthe improvement ofthe eectiveness andeciency of the
enterprise or organization and the improvement of the market position of enterprises

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