Statutory schemes of social security (Directive 79/7)
Author | Koldinská, Kristina |
Pages | 43-45 |
7 Statutory schemes of social security (Directive 79/7)
7.1 General (legal) context
7.1.1 Surveys and reports on the practical difficulties linked to statutory schemes of
social security (Directive 79/7)
Regarding statutory social security, a sur vey on opinions of research ers and experts on
inequalities in the Czech pension system may be mentioned. The outcomes of this
survey have been published in the form of a publicly accessible presentation.51 The
survey was prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which established a
body called the Commission for Equal and Fair Pensions in February 2019.
One of the main concerns of this Commission currently are the pension inequalities
between men and women. The Commission argues that, according to the statistics, there
is a 13 % gender pension gap.52
7.1.2 Other relevant issues
Maternity benefit is a sickness insurance benefit taken largely by women. If a second
child is born right afte r (or during) parental leav e, the benefit is then calculated on the
basis of a theoretical amount, which is usual ly not favourable to the mother, so that the
second maternity benefit is usually lower than the first.
In addition, conditions for taking the parental leave are to some extent problematic. As
described earlier, parental allowance, paid from state social supp ort, is paid monthly a nd
parents can (under certain conditions) decide the monthly level of the allowance. The
total amount for each child is CZK 220 000. If children are born quickly one after the
other, the total amount of CZK 220 000 always applies to the youngest child in the
family, so that in such a case, part of the total amoun t for the previous child gets lost, as
the previous parental allowance ends as soon as a new one is claimed.
7.1.3 Overview of national acts
The following national acts regulate social security in the Czech Republ ic:
Act No. 198/2009 Coll., the Anti-Discrimination Act;53
Act No. 48/1997 Coll., on health insurance;54
Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on health care services;55
Act No. 373/2011 Coll., on special healthcare services;56
Act No. 155/1995 Coll., on pension insurance;57
Act No. 187/2006 Coll., on sickness insurance;58
Act No. 117/1995 Coll., on state social support;59
51 Available in Czech at:
52 Available at:
53 Zákon č. 198/2009 Sb., o rovném zacházení a o právních prostedcích ochrany ped diskriminací a o zmn
nkterých zákon (antidiskriminační zákon). Available at:
54 Zákon č. 48/1997 Sb., o veejném zdravotním pojištní a o zmn a doplnní nkterých souvisejících
zákon. Available at:
55 Zákon č. 372/2011 Sb., o zdravotních službách a podmínkách jejich poskytování (zákon o zdravotních
službách). Available at:
56 Zákon č. 373/2011 Sb., o specifických zdravotních službách. Available at:
57 Zákon č. 155/1995 Sb., o dchodovém pojištní. Available at:
58 Zákon č. 187/2006 Sb., o nemocenském pojištní. Available at:
59 Zákon č. 155/1995 Sb., o dchodovém pojištní. Available at:
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