Statutory schemes of social security (Directive 79/7)

AuthorLídia Hermina Balogh
7 Statutory schemes of social security (Directive 79/7)
7.1 General (legal) context
7.1.1 Surveys and reports on the practical difficulties linked to statutory schemes of social
security (Directive 79/7)
No surveys or reports are available from the last five years that provide in sight into the
difficulties workers face in practice in relation to statutory social security schem es.
7.1.2 Other relevant issues
No other issues may be mentioned regarding the gender equality aspects of statutory
schemes of social security.
7.1.3 Overview of national acts
The key national acts governing the statutory social security schemes are the following :
- Act on State Pensions;341
- Act on Social Governance and Social Benefits.342
7.1.4 Political and societal debate and pending legislative proposals
There have been no political or social debates, and there are no pending legislative
proposals on the topic of social security and gender equality.
7.2 Implementation of the principle of equal treatm ent for men and women in
matters of social security
The Equal Treatment Act provides that the requirement of equal treat ment should be
applied with respect to social s ecurity, particularly in the c ourse of claiming and ensuring
benefits financed from the social security sch emes, and in the cou rse of claiming social
benefits and financial and in-kind child protection benefits or care bene fits.343
7.3 Personal scope
The general rules on th e personal scope of the Equal Treatment Act a re applicable to the
field of statutory fields of social security schemes,344 and the scope is as wide as specified
by Article 2 of Directive 79/7 although the wording of the provisions is different. The Equal
Treatment Act obliges state authorities (including state social security schemes) and
private pension schemes to follow the rules of equal treatment in all their activities an d
legal relationships.345
341 Act LXXXI of 1997 on State Pensions (1997. évi LXXXI. törvény a társadalombiztosítási nyugellátásról), 25
July 1997.
342 Act III of 1993 on Social Governance and Social Benefits (1993. évi III. törvény a szociális igazgatásról és
szociális ellátásokról), 27 January 1993.
343 Act CXXV of 2003 on Equal Treatment and the Promotion of the Equality of Opportunities (2003. évi CXXV.
törvény az egyenl bánásmódról és az esélyegyenlség elmozdításáról), 28 December 2003, Article 24.
344 Act CXXV of 2003 on Equal Treatment and the Promotion of the Equality of Opportunities (2003. évi CXXV.
törvény az egyenl bánásmódról és az esélyegyenlség elmozdításáról), 28 December 2003, Article 6.
345 Act CXXV of 2003 on Equal Treatment and the Promotion of the Equality of Opportunities (2003. évi CXXV.
törvény az egyenl bánásmódról és az esélyegyenlség elmozdításáról), 28 December 2003, Article 4
Points (c) and (j).

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