A study on the impact of organizational factors and managerial skills in career development in Albania

AuthorAriel Ora - Roland Sahatcija - Anxhela Ferhataj
PositionCarleton University, Ottawa, Canada - Mediterranean University of Albania, Albania - European University of Tirana, Albania
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 2 No. 1
January, 2018
ISSN 2519-1284
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
A study on the impact of organizational factors and managerial skills in
career development in Albania
Ariel Ora
Mediterranean University of Albania, Albania
Anxhela Ferhataj
European University of Tirana, Albania
In a highly dynamic environment, the most valuable asset of an organization are its employees.
Investing in employee development has a positive impact for both the organization and
the employeesSta training is essential for the business purposes of organizations while
developing employees toward career goals can promote greater job satisfaction. Creating a
poolofsatisedemployees helpsaractandretain capableemployeesaswell askeepthem
continuously engaged.
This paper ’s objective is the study of the impact of organizational factors and management
skills in career development. Another objective of the study is the analysis of employees’
aitudestowardsthe futureinthe organizationThe methodologyemployedis quantitative
researchand thedescriptive method Thequestionnaire whichwas distributed onlinewas
positions in Albanian and foreign organizations.
Data analysis was conducted through SPSS 20 and JASP- The statistical analysis used in
crossedtabulationBayesianPearsonCorrelation Researchhypothesesweresupported with
The study concluded that organizational factors and management skills have an impact in
career development. Employees prefer to rise through the ranks in the future within their
organization. In general, organizations apply a promotion policy toward their employees.
This study can be of immense value to organizations.
Keywords career development, organizational factors, management position, managerial
Recently organizations are focusing greatly on human resources Human
resources policies are promoting more and more career development. Because,
career advancement is what employees want most in their jobs. Thus, investing in
employees is benecial to the organization Saks  employees will be more
within the organization. They appreciate the organization’s accommodation of career
advancement Rhoades  Eisenberger Simultaneously it has an impact on

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