The Contribution of Professional Associations in Romania to the Prevention of Poverty and Exclusion by Developing Social Businesses. - Part II

AuthorIoan Constantin Rada - Liliana Doina M?gdoiu - Ioana Carmen Rada
PositionUniversity of Oradea, Oradea, Romania - University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania - The National Bank of Romania, Bihor county Branch, Romania
Vol. 3 No. 2
July 2017
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
The Contribution of Professional Associations in Romania to the Prevention
of Poverty and Exclusion by Developing Social Businesses. - Part II
Ioan Constantin Rada
University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania,
Liliana Doina Măgdoiu
University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania
Ioana Carmen Rada
The National Bank of Romania, Bihor county Branch, Romania
Global poverty is neither created by the poor, nor the result of any incapacity associated to
them; instead, it is the outcome of the system built by all the people, the institutions they set
up and the concepts they have formulated. In what follows we don’t want to suggest that
Professional Associations would become philanthropic associations through the establishment
and development of speci c social economy foundations that concentrate their activity on
poverty issues. Such associations have actually come to witness the problems mentioned above,
namely the di cult situation of former employees from di erent areas; an example in this
respect could be the massive and "the most successful privatization of all time" of oil companies,
in 2004, when, by various subtle (compensatory) means, the new capitalists have red more
than 40 thousand people, relegating them and their families to a life of poverty. Private oil
companies have outsourced more services, which subsequently became the property of the
capitalists managing them, at the expense of society, proving their clear interest in gaining
signi cant pro t. Therefore, Professional Associations in this area might become, among other
things, active organizations within society, assuming a social role, for both their members
from the oil industry and for non-members, for society at large. Professional associations
promote the idea of a new form of capitalism and a new type of company (understood as a
business), based on the generosity of people and de ned by experts as "social business". The
fundamental purpose: to eliminate the social, economic and environmental problems; reduce
the consequences of many other problems in society, such as hunger, homelessness, disease,
pollution, lack of education, which nally lead to national insecurity.
Keywords: Professional associations; poverty; social exclusion; vulnerable groups; social
business; social economy; social entrepreneurship, a new form of Capitalism.
Gathering evidence
For this study, we have gathered evidence from: documents, archives, best practices,
direct observation, participant observation. Our a ention is focused on each source in
particular, respecting the principles of priority: "a.) multiple sources of evidence (two
or more sources that converge towards the same ndings); b.) a database (it refers to
the evidence collected, not to the nal report of the study); c.) a logical succession of
evidence (explicit links between the data collected, the questions and the conclusions
reached) "(Yin, 2005, p.122).

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