The Correlation ‘Teacher - Communicative Language Teaching’ with effect on students’ Outcomes

AuthorPhDc. Hysen Kasumi
PositionEnglish Faculty, AAB University
ISSN 2410-759X Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Vol 1 No 1
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania May 2015
e Correlation ‘Teacher – Communicative Language Teaching’ with eect
on students’ Outcomes
PhDc. Hysen Kasumi
English Faculty, AAB University
e learning outcomes are reected from the correlation between the teaching methods, techniques
and tools used by the teacher. At the same time these outcomes are also reected by teachers
capability as a pedagogue to achieve his/her goals and objectives. Our research has to do with
literature review about the teachers’ competences, skills, personality and characteristics as well as
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) as a contemporary method and its impact on students’
outcomes. Since CLT as a method has a direct relation with Constructivism, we were obliged to
study the Constructive competences of teachers and CLT in order to implement the CLT Syllabus
for our research work. An empirical research of student performance was done based on the four
language skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. e students’ performance was
seen using the experimental method with PET (Preliminary English Test) tests to measure the four
languages skills mentioned above. At the same time it was seen the impact of CLT on language
skills as it is known that CLT deals more with Listening and Speaking than Reading and Writing.
As a result there were seen the correlations between four language skills.
Keywords: Constructivism; Teacher; Communicative Language Teaching; Language Skills.
As in other areas such as Economics and Law, as well as in education (teaching) is almost
a longstanding debate whether teaching is an art or science. If it is an art then not all
students can learn since it requires talent, skills, intuition, and creativity, as for a painter or
a poet. On the other hand, if it is a science, teaching requires the implementation of plans,
policies, objectives and goals, methods and instruments that should be used in class.
ere are teachers who believe one or the other, but for me as well as for many other
teachers, a successful teacher must combine both the art and science elements as well.
Sibermen quoted by (Musai, 1999, pp. 18-30) would say:
“For sure, teaching, as well as medical practices is an art that requires talent and creativity.
But, like medicine, it is or it should be a science. Since it contains a repertoire of techniques,
procedures and habits that should be studied systematically, described, transmitted and
improved. A great teacher, as well as a great physician becomes one that adds creativity and
inspiration to the basic repertoire “.
e last behavior aspect of a professional teacher is his caring about the students’
evaluation. According to him the assessment is the product of artistic skills, which means
that a student needs to know if, has made a good job or not.
A good teacher explores, he/she tries to nd a good method, something that can work for
his students. He implements procedures, techniques and uses dierent tools in order to
achieve satisfying outcomes with his students.
is is another reason why was the Communicative Language Teaching implemented as
a method that not only motivates students but at the same time makes the student active
in learning the teaching material by activating them and making them the center of the

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