The crisis in the Area Zone and the role of ECB

AuthorJonida Lamcja - Ada Aliaj - Enida Istrefi- Rovena Troplini - Juljana Imeraj
Vol. 2 No. 2
July 2016
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania
ISSN 2410-3918
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The crisis in the Area Zone and the role of ECB
Msc. Jonida Lamcja
Dr. Ada Aliaj
PhD Rovena Troplini
Dr. Juljana Imeraj
from an economic perspective. We show that the Target accounts measure the intra-Eurozone
balances of payments and indirectly also international credit given through the Eurosystem
bearing. TheirinterestrateequalstheECBsmainrenancingrateHoweverinterestrevenues
and expenses are socialized within the Euro system.
tem, as they won’t occur in a currency system. The term Target balances has created much
confusion even among academics; because it is a catchy term with several meanings that are
notobviouslyconnectedwitheachotheratrstglance In several countries, private debts aris-
ing from a property booble were transferred to sovereign debt as a result of banking system
bailouts and government responses to slowing economies post-bubble.
Keywords: Currency union, Balance of payments, Bailout, Euro system, Target.
This paper investigates the Target balances, an accounting system hidden in remote
corners of the balance sheets of the Eurozone’s National Central Banks (NCBs), to
apubliccapital owthroughtheECBsystem thathelpedthecrisiscountries inthe
EFSM and the like) did, but it actually came much earlier, bypassing the European
parliaments. It was a rescue program that predated the rescue programs. As we will
showbyreplacingstallingcapitalimportsand outrightcapital ightTargetcredit
nancedsubstantial portions ifnot most ofthecurrent account decitsofGreece
andPortugalduring therstthreeyearsofthecrisisanda sizeablefraction ofthe
countries, private debts arising from a property bubble were transferred to sovereign

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