The defense of intellectual property in the Republic of Albania

AuthorArbër Bashkolli Engjëll Likmeta
PositionHigh Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets and Conflict of Interests - Faculty of Law, University of Tirana
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3
November 2015
ISSN 2410-3918
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The defense of intellectual property
in the Republic of Albania
PhD (C.) Candidate Arbër Bashkolli
High Inspectorate of Declaration
and Audit of Assets and Conflict of Interests
PhD Engjëll Likmeta
Faculty of Law, University of Tirana
In a society based on values and democratic principles, the defense of intellectual property
constitutes one of the primary directions of its integrity and the permanence of cultural, scien-
tific and technological heritage in generations. The integration of Albania in European Union
requires the accomplishment of some accepted standards, in order to ensure the appropriate
respect of intellectual property rights.
The effective implementation of intellectual property rights is an essential element for contin-
ued social and economic progress and increasing the level of competitiveness of the Republic
of Albania in the international market and ensuring a fair competition environment in the
Albanian national market.
Violation of law on copyright is not less problematic in Albania, despite the initiatives taken to
protect intellectual property. Implementation of the European Union legislation is a complex
process, which aims at integrating the Albanian economy to the EU internal market. It will
take time to strengthen the institutions responsible for the implementation of legislation in the
field of industrial property.
Keywords: Intellectual property; Copyright; Industrial property; Criminal protection.
In a society based on values and democratic principles, the defense of intellectual
property constitutes one of the primary directions of its integrity and the permanence
of cultural, scientific and technological heritage in generations.
The integration of Albania in European Union requires the accomplishment of some
accepted standards, where the approach of Albanian legislation with the one of
European Union, will be the first important and necessary precondition, that the big
European family would open the gates even for Albania (Latifi, 2005:28), too.
The importance of intellectual property was known for the first time in Paris Convention
“For Protection of Intellectual Property”, 1883, and in Convention of Berna, “For
protection of Literary and Artistic Works”, 1886 (Zenelaj). All the countries, in general,
have their own laws for their intellectual property protection and that is for two reasons.
The first one, is to give an institutional expression to moral and economic rights to the
creator for their creations and the right of access for the public in these creations. The
other one,is the promotion of the creation, its distribution and its execution, also to
encourage honest commerce, that helps in economic development (Zenelaj).

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