The effect of tax reporting in financial reporting

AuthorShqipe Xhaferri, Albana Demi (Mosho)
PositionLecturer, University 'Aleksander Moisiu' Durrës, Albania - Head of CIRD Economy, Canadian Institute Of Technology
ISSN 2410-3918 Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences Vol 1 No 2
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania July 2015
e eect of tax reporting in nancial reporting
Dr. Shqipe Xhaferri
Lecturer, University “Aleksander Moisiu” Durrës, Albania
Dr. Albana Demi (Mosho)
Head of CIRD Economy, Canadian Institute Of Technology
is paper analyzes the importance of building nancial statements and their compliance with
the activities by running an entity, primarily for micro units. Main objective of this paper is to
present the necessity of the implementation of legal frameworks in the eld of accounting and
the application of accounting standards for nancial reporting. National Accounting Standards
are signicant factors to increase the quality of nancial information, bringing new technologies,
increased competition and culture of service etc. National Accounting Standards help in the
sustainable economic development of the country and integration into the EU. is paper
analyzes a series of articles in the eld of research in the eld of accounting. is paper presents
the theoretical and practical aspects of a company’s long-term assets, treating the amortization
calculated according to accounting standards. An important point is the appearance of these
items in the balance sheet. According to the empirical viewpoint, various studies give dierent
results. Also, the entities as a primary source of economic development are part of this paper. e
application of accounting standards began in Albania on 1 January 2009.
From these date all the units are obliged to draw up nancial statements according to national and
international standards of accounting. Actually nowadays (starting from the scal year 2014) the
submission of balance sheet is made electronically.
Keywords: Financial statements, balance sheet, Prot tax, nancial report, national accounting
One of the main users of nancial statements is information of tax authorities. e
necessity to use the nancial statements of entities derived mainly from the necessity
of calculating the share of income tax to be paid to state bodies. Albania implements
“code law”, where accounting standards and nancial reporting for taxation purposes are
regulated by law. e amortization that is calculated beyond the allowed limits by tax
constitutes a non deductible element expenditure. In order to analyze and certify the tax
reporting material that eects the nancial reporting we have to consider the calculation
of amortization and scal accounting and analyze the dierence between them and its
eect on net income through testing the following hypotheses:
Fiscal Amortization = Accounting Amortization
Fiscal Amortization ≠ Accounting Amortization

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