The European Union in times of Covid-19

AuthorMaillard, Robin; Zalc, Julien
This section focuses on public attitudes towards action at the European level in response to the Coronavirus pan-
demic. It starts by examining respondents’ overall image of the EU, and asking whether this has changed during
the pandemic crisis. It then examines satisfaction with the solidarity shown by EU Member States against the virus.
The section next focuses on public attitudes to EU competences to deal with this type of crisis, and then looks
at awareness of EU measures to tackle the virus and levels of satisfaction with these measures. Finally, it assesses
views on the EU’s top priorities in responding to the pandemic.
Image of the EU
Around four in ten respondents (41%) say they that their general image of the EU is positive, including 7% who say
it is very positive. A third (34%) say they have a neutral image of the EU, while 21% hold a negative image, including
6% who say their image of the EU is very negative. Attitudes have become more positive since wave 2, with an
increase in the proportion that have a positive image of the EU (+4 pp).
Attitudes towards the EU have become more positive over the course of this survey. The proportion that hold a
positive image of the EU has increased steadily, from 31% at wave 1 to 37% at wave 2 and 41% at wave 3. At the
same time, the proportion holding a negative image has fallen (28% at wave 1, 22% at wave 2, 21% at wave 3).
In ve Member States, more than half of respondents say they have a positive image of the EU: Portugal (65%),
Ireland (64%), Romania (57%), Lithuania (53%) and Poland (52%). By contrast, less than a third of respondents hold
a positive view in Czechia (25%), Belgium (28%) and Austria (32%).

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