The impact of additions and legal amendments in the prevention of domestic violence criminal offenses in Albania

AuthorAdnan Xholi
PositionInternational University of Struga, Macedonia
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 1 No. 2
June, 2017
ISSN 2519-1284
Acces online at
The impact of additions and legal amendments in the prevention of domestic
violence criminal o enses in Albania
PhD (C.) Adnan Xholi
International University of Struga, Macedonia
This paper aims at making a fair assessment of the domestic violence o enses in the Albanian
reality within the international context, and analyzing the e orts of the state and society in
combating and preventing this phenomenon by examining them chief‌l y but not solely from a
legal point of view.
Legal amendments have positive e ects both in preventing criminality in general, and o enses
against the family in particular, since they have an impact not only on the protection of the
rights of children and women but also on raising the domestic violence victims’ awareness to
report these cases, for based on the 2016 Albanian prosecution statistics, it turns out that this
type of o ense has yet experienced an increasing trend. According to the studies conducted
and the information administered, it is noted with concerns that some of the perpetrators of
these criminal o enses have managed to escape imprisonment, not to mention the cases when
they have not been denounced or even worse; investigations have started but the perpetrators
have not been punished by the law enforcement authorities. It is therefore imperative for the
institutions to identify such cases and to take appropriate measures in order not to have them
occur in the future, as such phenomenon brings about the repetition of the domestic violence
cycle or the creation of the wrong perception “of victims “failure to react and keeping their
mouth shut” because this type of crime remains unpunished.
This paper is not just the theoretical assessment of the terms of domestic violence and penal
policy regarding the additions and amendments on domestic violence legislation, but it is also
an elaboration on the criminal policy e ects of these legal amendments as well as the issues
that emerged in the process of investigating concrete cases related to domestic violence. It will
also analyze the advantages of criminal policy, the problems that necessitate resolution, the
legal measures to be taken, and some recommendations in order to increase e ectiveness in
combating domestic violence.
Keywords: Criminal policy, violence, family, convention, prevention, reintegration.
In Albania, like in other countries, there is an unjustif‌i ed increase in the criminal
behavior that embeds in the use of violence in general, and in domestic violence in
the family in particular, where according to statistics, perpetrators of these o enses
are males 1 in 92% of cases.
Some authors rightly name this phenomenon a contemporary feature, pointing
out that violence has involved many segments of human life in present society. It
should be noted that the understanding of the crime of violence o en does not fully
1 General Prosecution O ce- Report on Crime Situation Year 2016.

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