The Importance of Legal Writing in English

AuthorEvarist Beqiri - Inesa Toska
PositionPhD Candidate, University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, Department of Public Law - PhD Candidate, University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of English
ISSN 2410-759X Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Special Issue No 1
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania June 2015
e Importance of Legal Writing in English
Evarist Beqiri
PhD Candidate, University of Tirana,
Faculty of Law, Department of Public Law
Inesa Toska
PhD Candidate, University of Tirana,
Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of English
Writing skills enable us to transmit our ideas and thoughts eectively through the medium of
writing. Writing skills help lawyers to express their ideas and legal opinions, convey arguments
and avoid ambiguity at the same time. Poor writing skills may lead to miscommunication and
misunderstandings as well. Can these skills be improved just like the other skills? Good legal
writing can be a real challenge for many students and legal scholars. is article emphasizes the
diculties students face with legal writing. ese diculties include language skills diculties,
topic diculty, lack of organizing thoughts and ideas before starting to write, text managing
skills, grammatical diculties, insuciency and lack of time. Students face the dual challenge of
understanding the content of the subject and expressing this understanding. is might be very
challenging for students with limited English language level. Topic knowledge is directly tied to
generating and organizing ideas. When students have insucient knowledge of the topic, it is more
dicult for them to generate ideas. In many cases students start to write without having organized
their thoughts previously and without having organized their research and analysis. ey start
writing without making use of an outline. Writing takes a lot of time. Students should be aware
that writing takes a lot of time and it requires several redras until the information is conveyed
in a clear and concise way. is article also focuses on some of the reasons why legal writing is
dicult to teach. Teachers may face many problems when they have to teach content in an area
of study about which they have little or no prior knowledge. e content may be very specic and
require a high degree of knowledge from the teachers. In most of the cases teachers don’t know
have enough knowledge in the eld of law since they are language teachers and not law teachers.
Is good legal writing possible and can it be achieved through the application of the principles of
legal writing? What are some characteristics of good legal writing? Good legal writing is clear,
concise and engaging. A well-written document helps the writer to achieve its goal. ere are many
activities and exercises which can help students to improve the skills of writing in a legal context.
Key words: Legal writing, diculties, challenges, characteristics, Legal English teachers.
Writing skills are very important especially for those students who are eager to become
successful lawyers in the future. Writing skills can be dened as the ability to transmit
one’s thoughts eectively through the medium of writing. Law schools all over the world
pay special attention to the development of the writing skills of their students. Why
are these skills so important and how do they aect the job of a good lawyer? Writing

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