The importance of social media in the recruiting process

AuthorIva Sulaj
PositionSh.L.P Logos
Vol. 2 No. 3
January, 2017
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania
ISSN 2410-759X
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The importance of social media in the recruiting process
Iva Sulaj
Sh.L.P Logos
Demographic changes and the increasing shortage of skilled employees world-wide have
led in the last years to the so-called “war for talents”. Companies are urged to develop
continuously and to adapt rapidly to the labour market changes as a consequence. On the
other side jobseekers are using nowadays more and more social media not only as a platform
for communication but also as a source for information about the latest developments on the
labour market. Therefore it results of particular importance for human resources professionals
to identify social media as an essential tool for reaching the prospective employees as well
as for improving continuously the reputation of the company as an employer in the labour
market.In the last years the in uence of social media on our private life as well as in the
business world has increased considerably. The rapidly increasing number of social media
users worldwide has signalized many companies no mam er their industry pro le or market
share, to identify the huge potential social media carries for their business development. Based
on Eurostat studies, 39 % of EU enterprises used social media (e.g. social networks, blogs,
content-sharing sites and wikis) in 2015, with more than three out of four of these businesses
(79 %) using such applications to build their image and to market products.Social networks
remained enterprises favourite form of social media; compared to 2013 their use strongly
increased. (Social media - statistics on the use by enterprises, February 2016). Marketing,
customer relationship management, public relations and human resources are currently some
of the important business areas, in which social media can be applied. In this paper the focus
is set on the eld of human resources and more speci cally on the recruiting process.Social
media recruiting can be associated with a wide range of bene ts,.Firstly it is easier and faster
to identify potential candidates with speci c skills and professional experiences and also to
reach candidates that are not usually included in the target groups. But,it has some risks too.
The main concerns about recruiting via social media channels are: exclusion of candidates that
do not have access to social media channels and violation of candidate’s privacy.
Keywords: Human resources,recruiting channels,social media,workforce generations.
The research on the de nition of social media showed that there are diT erent
interpretations about the term “Social Media”. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) de ne
social media as “a group of internet based applications that build the ideological and
technological foundations of Web 2.0 and allows the creation and exchange of data
by users.” Stephen Wilson refers to social media as various online tools that enable
people with common interests “to share information, learn from others, or network
in an open process” (Wilson, 2010, p.3). Oxford dictionary de nes social media as
follows: “Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or
to participate in social networking” (Social Media in Oxford Dictionaries, 2015).
These de nitions highlight some important aspects of the social media’s functions,

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