The Landscape changes of the city of Shkodra as a consequence of Internal Migration

AuthorBresena Kopliku, Nevila Dibra, Ervis Krymbi
PositionUniversity of Shkodra 'Luigj Gurakuqi'
ISSN 2410-3918 Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences Vol 1 No 2
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania July 2015
e Landscape changes of the city of Shkodra as a consequence of Internal
Dr. Bresena Kopliku
University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”
Dr. Nevila Dibra
University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”
Dr. Ervis Krymbi
University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”
Shkodra city landscape has changed dramatically aer 1990. Not only the economic transition
from a centralized to a free market economy and political change from totalitarism to democracy,
but the whole Albanian society and landscape was transformed. Population movement displayed
in all migration typologies- international migration, internal migration, recently return migration
and circular movements - has played a signicant role in changing the economy, social and cultural
life, the environment and also the landscape.
e analysis of the internal migration and its impact in the urban areas is the main objective of this
paper. It tries to dene the way that in-come movements have aected the urban landscape of the
city of Shkodra in a way that can also be found in other urban areas of Albania. ese movements
were chaotic. eir main outcome was the creation of informal areas with new and quite big
dwellings, based on the help of nancial remittances coming from international migration. Despite
the dierent intensity, their typologie has been almost the same in the main cities of the western
coast of Albania. It resulted in the enlargement of suburban areas, occupation of agricultural land
and industrial areas, changing of demographic structure, opening of new economic activities and
in the creation of new social problems. ese peripheral areas have changed during the transition
period. Another objective of this paper includes the statistical data collected from in-depth
interviews and participant observation based on the immigrants background, their movement
experience and the way integration has aected the landscape. e article also argues that the city’s
landcape cannot be understood without taking into consideration internal migration.
Keywords: Internal Migration, Landscape, Remittances, Suburban area, Shkodra City.
e landscape of the city of Shkodra has changed signicantly as a consequence of
migration beeing it international or internal. e paper focuses mainly on internal
migration as the main determinant of urbanization and consequently of urban landscape
e geographical position of the city situated in a lowland beside the lake and surrounded
in the north with mountanous area has played an important role in shaping the factors
for the population movements in the region. is favourable geographical position has

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