The main issues preventing Kosovo's economic development

AuthorDemir Lima
PositionFama College, Kosovo
Vol. 3 No. 3
November 2017
ISSN 2410-3918
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Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
The main issues preventing Kosovo’s economic development
Dr. Demir Lima
Fama College - Kosovo
This study provides an analysis of several problematic factors preventing Kosovo’s
economic development. Several sectors that could have been the main pillars of
economic development, such as manufacturing, energy, mines and minerals, and
other economic sectors have been neglected from the development by domestic
institutions or were used clandestinely by certain interest groups, whose focus was
not in the development of the country but rather their personal gain. Trade remained
the preferred activity throughout these years, which cannot be considered a bene cial
sector for economic development, as much as manufacturing, which remains to date
as Kosovo’s most underdeveloped sector. As long as Kosovo’s exports cover only
12% of total imports, no economic growth can be expected. Kosovo’s failure to a ract
strategic investors in years, which could open new jobs, has also contributed its lack
of su cient economic development. Thus, the most concerning issue during this
period is the decline in foreign direct investments, which were expected to increase
a er the declaration of independence.
In the lack of a long-term development strategy for certain sectors or priority activities,
such as mines, energy, industry etc., there is no progress in the country's economic
development. The main issue is that we should only favor those activities or identify
segments where we have competitive advantages compared to other countries.
Keywords: Economic issues, Kosovo’s economy, FDI, Doing business, Strategic
In 2016 Kosovo’s economy marked a higher activity compared to the previous
year. According to the estimates of the Kosovo Agency of Statistics for the rst
three quarters of 2016, the nominal GDP value reached 4.25 billion Euros, which
in real terms constitutes an average annual increase of 3.5%. The overall activity
in the country was mainly driven by the increased domestic demand, whereas
net exports had a negative impact in the economic growth rate. In terms domestic
demand, the real growth of the country’s economy in the rst nine months of 2016
is estimated to be the result of increased consumption and private investments,
whereas public consumption and public investments are estimated to have declined.
The increase in bank lending and increased in ows of external transfers in the form
of remi ances and compensation of workers resulted in the increase of private
consumption during the rst nine months of 2016. In addition, the increase of public
sector salaries and pensions in the country had a full e ect in 2016, resulting in

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