The national political activity of Anton Harapi during the Nazi occupation of Albania

AuthorDrnt. Guda Hysni
Position'Aleksander Moisiu ' University Durrës
ISSN 2410-759X Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Vol 1 No 1
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania May 2015
e national political activity of Anton Harapi during the Nazi occupation
of Albania.
Drnt. Guda Hysni
Aleksander Moisiu “ University Durrës
is article is an integral part of a monographic study that the author of these lines has just nished
and it serves as a dissertation to get “ Doctor “ scientic degree under the direction of prof. dr.
Ardian Marashi. e title is “Father Anton Harapi: a dicult return “. at’s why this is the rst
monography that is ever written about this author. Our article brings a large historic observation
of the national political activity of Anton Harapi during the Nazi occupation of Albania. We think
that the news that brings our article is connected with a dierent point of view of this activity,
even though an analysis and interpretation of the facts, data and evidences which are found by
rare documents of our archives and those abroad. We mean AQSH and AMPB, even documents
of foreign Italian and German archives1, like as:ASMAE, ASV, AAP, PAAA, BM, a part of which
documents have about two – three decades that were published. We are helped by analyses and
interpretations that we have done through important books of the national and foreign authors,
which brings a visual form of Albanian context of the World War II and over politic and patriotic
activity of Harapi. e analysis of motives which incited Harapi to accept the duty of Regent, rstly
was achieved through the general framework of Nazi occupation with its intentions and objectives
in Albania. Secondly through the outline of the constitution and the duties of Regency. e way of
argumentation even the conclusions of this article don’t manifest for a “ quisling “, collaborator “, “
enemy “ – Harap, but for a real patriot and devoted man.
Keywords: Anton Harapi, Nazi occupation, national political activity, Regency.
e national political activity topic of Anton Harapi during the Nazi occupation in Albania
contains one of the hottest topics of the Albanian contemporary historiography. Discused
and analysed through paradoxical contradictions like as “ one of the greatest gures of
Albanian nationalism (Pipa, 1976, 196) – “ clergyman who sold his homeland “ (Hoxha,
1968, 236), the giant personality of Anton Harapi is found during the redimensional
historic phase (Plasari, 1994, 39 – 40 ). His political patriotic activity developed mostly in
the period between two world wars, is a unique contribution in the history of our nation.
Our article aims to convey through facts, the data and scientic evidences all the truth of
Anton Harapi’s Regent activity.
Against the political trend of the time, He made choices that in the rst glance sound
absurd. Even by several people it may be considered “insanity” as he by his own may call
1Are exploited largely documents of R. M. della Rocca: Nazione e religione in Albania ( 1920 –
1944 ),Bologna 1990.

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