The other in the Albanian historical novel

AuthorMyrvete Dreshaj - Baliu
Vol. 4 No. 1
March, 2018
ISSN 2410-3918
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Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
The other in the Albanian historical novel
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Myrvete Dreshaj – Baliu
Main aim of this study is to identify the re ective dimension of the other in relation to the self
in the Albanian historical novel. Wri en over a longer period of time (in comparison to the
other types), the Albanian historical novel, only during the recent decades has presented other
views of redimensioning the other within novels. Regardless of the writing period, pa ern, or
style, in the Albanian historical novel, the concept on the other generally preserves a national
dimension, or the geo-cultural spirit of its tradition.
Keywords: novel, other, self, myth, demonization, hero, identity, language.
There are many reasons why the other in the Albanian historical novel is placed at
the focus of this research, among which we maymention: the s cope of this discussion
encompassinga one-century writing period; the mutual in uence and interrelationship
with other literary genres and types, as a condition for the discussion of this topic; the
dimension of its persistence and re ection in the global modern world; as well as the
possibilities o ered by the novel for the complete display of the re ection regarding
the other, the semantic structure, the social and historical totality of time, space and
universal components of the worlds.
From the beginning of my endeavor with this research topic, I was intrigued by the
word the other, which does not appear in the historic and literary dictionaries as a term or
notion, and is even absent from historic and literary text, and yet is interwoven within
them. As a ma er of face, the other, a noun phrase that coincides with the meaning
of an inde nite pronoun is neither a symbol nor a metaphor that would produce a
stylistic e ect, and yet, in the works of recent years is sometimes given referential,
and even paradigmatic dimensions upon which is built a considerable amount of
theoretical elaboration, which follows the paradigmatic predisposition of the era of
globalization. As such, the other claims to raise at the level of a notion or reference,
due to its presence in other literary contexts in the course of historical development
of literature and its criticism, within the literary and aesthetic components of certain
genres and types, but mostly on a thematic level, if not endowed with other historic,
ethnographical, folkloristic, and sometimes ideological features. These features avoid
the inner world of the other, even when they insist on emphasizing the color and race,
thus the identity of the other, without their racial or ideological overlay.
In the historical context, more than in the literary level, the concept of the other
appears more complex in the anthropological level, with the exception of the new era
of globalization where the mythical dimension is consequently produced as world-
wide manifestation not only due to the imaginative potential, as occurs in some
literary but also technological genres and types, where it is not mandatory for the
other to necessarily be the adversary.

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