The Pharmacological Effects of PGF2? to Prevention and Treatment of Placenta retention and the Increase of Fertility in Postpartum Dairy Cows

AuthorFejzo Selami - Josiana Selami
PositionAgricultural University of Tirana, Albania - Medicine University of Tirana, Albania
Vol. 3 No. 3
November 2017
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at
The Pharmacological E ects of PGF2 to Prevention and Treatment of Pla-
centa retention and the Increase of Fertility in Postpartum Dairy Cows
Fejzo Selami
Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
Josiana Selami
Medicine University of Tirana, Albania
This preliminary study was conducted to obtain a rst view of the role of PGF2 on placenta
expulsion, prevention of postpartum uterine infections, and fertility in dairy cows. The
objective of this study was to estimate the role of PGF2 during the excretion of placenta, for
the prevention of postpartum pathologies and fertility in dairy cows. The role of PGF2 is
well known for its stimulating abilities of the smooth musculatures and local immunity. For
the experiment we chose two groups of animals of the Holstein breed each of them containing
ten head. The cows were 3-6 years old and had normally calved. The experimental group has
been treated as follows: PGF2 (Estrumate®), 2 ml via intramuscular 2 hours a er parturition.
The treatment was repeated 8 hours a er the rst one. The control group was not treated and
was kept under survey so as to be compared with the indices of the experimental group. Three
results of this study were: Firstly, about the index of the placenta excretion the cows of the
experimental group have appeared it on average 13±2.4 hours a er parturition, versus 19±4.1
hours a er parturition to those of the control group. In the control group two cows have been
considered with placenta retention. Secondly, in the experimental group only one cow has
displayed signs of endometritis, whereas in the control group three. Thirdly, for the indices of
fertility there were di erences between the groups concerning both main parameters of the
Period Serve and Index of Inseminimi too. Thus the cows of the experimental group had their
average period serve 92±12.4 days versus 128±9.6 days. For the fertilizing Inseminimi in the
experimental group 1.2 doses of sperm were used up versus 1.6 doses in the control group.
We concluded that the use of PGF2 a er parturition a ects positively in the prevention of
placenta retention, in the reveal of postpartum infections and in the improvement of fertility
in cows.
Keywords: drug, PGF2, endometritis, metritis, fertility.
The main objective of this study was the de nition of the most appropriate therapeutic
schemes for prevention and treatment of retention of placenta and uterine infections
in dairy cows.
Uterine infections are among the most frequent disorders to a ect dairy cows during
the postpartum period (Sheldon, I. M., G. S. 2006). Some of the most frequent disorders
are placenta retention and uterine infections (endometritis and metritis). There are
many economic damages caused by these pathologies, such as: it decreases production
reduction, permanent or temporary loss of the reproductive ability, increase of the

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