The principle of Equality and non-discrimination, the legal framework and institutions for protection against discrimination in Albania and its impact of the ECHR practice on gender discrimination issues

AuthorIris Berisha
Vol. 6 No.1
May, 2020
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
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The principle of Equality and non-discrimination, the legal framework and
institutions for protection against discrimination in Albania and its impact of
the ECHR practice on gender discrimination issues
Iris Berisha
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They have reason and
conscience and should treat ea other with a spirit of brotherhood1. This def‌i nition is
made in Article 1 of the United Nations General Declaration of Human Rights.While
in its Article 2 it is explicitly stated that: Everyone enjoys all the rights and freedoms set
forth in this Declaration without limitation as to race, color, sex, language, religion, political
or other opinion, national origin, etc.No distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
legal or international status of the State or country to whi ea person belongs, whether
the State or the country is independent, whether under guardianship, or not self-governing
orwhi is found in any other condition of restriction of sovereignty2.
Dignity is the essence of human rights. Throughout human history, rights have been
def‌i ned and embodied in the value of one's dignity. These values are universal. They
go beyond personal and national boundaries.
Despite the regulations that various national and international acts make in this
sensitive area, we still notice in our society behaviors that treat individuals di erently
for various reasons, one of which is gender equality.
Any unequal treatment of an individual, as opposed to an individual of the opposite sex in the
same or similar circumstances is considered direct gender discrimination. Human rights are
universal. They belong to individuals and should be enjoyed equally by all.
Inter alia, this is how respect and acceptance of human dignity by all is determined,
but that is not always the case ... This is where the birth of the non-implementation
of an important principle for jurisprudence takes shape: "The principle of Equality
and Non-Discrimination".As a universal value, equality means freedom and rights
for every individual who, although di erent at the same time, they are also equal. It
is this demand for equality between human beings that must represent that blocking
mechanism to everyone's discriminatory a itudes.
Discrimination is an early "phenomenon" of humanity, a social disease that has
appeared since the beginning of human development and collective organization.
Even the etymological decomposition of the term “Discrimination” comes from the
Latin “Dicrimino” which means division, di erent treatment, restriction of rights or
imposition of inequality.This indicates a problem that has deep roots in the human
This term evidences unfair treatment. This approach represents one of the most
common forms of violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms which is
based on dangerous doctrines and ideas such as the superiority of races, peoples,
genders, sexes, religions, etc.
1 Article 1 general declaration of the United Nations for human rights.
2 Article 2 general declaration of the United Nations for human rights.

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