The principle of the presumption of innocence

AuthorIris Berisha
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 4 No. 2
June, 2020
ISSN 2519-1284
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The principle of the presumption of innocence
Iris Berisha
Procedural principles are the basic rules that determine the character and content of the
manner of criminal proceedings. The character and the content of the proceedings must
be in accordance with these principles. The basic principles provided for in national and
international legislation serve as the basis and reference point for all institutes and procedural
provisionsRecognizingandrespecting themisa basicconditionfor furtherdemocratization
of the activity of the judiciary. The principle of the Presumption of Innocence is one of the
principles that has aroused a lot of interest and debate.
Almost all international conventions on human rights, all constitutions of the democratic
countries of the world, as well as the criminal legislation of the modern world, recognize
and respect it as a fundamental and vital principle for a fair trial, the principle of the
presumption of innocence. So what is the principle of the presumption of innocence?
Everyoneis presumedinnocent untilconvicted bya competent courtIn otherwords the
individualisconsideredinnocentuntilthe CourtofAppealsrulesonanal decisionevenif
heshehasbeen foundguilty bythe CourtofFirst InstanceInmy opinionthis isoneof the
points where the humanism of the law stands out the most. The law is humane, it has been
createdand it continues to be created sothat it can serve the people Itwas the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights which decades ago sanctioned this principle specically in
Article thereofNecessarilyourcountry wasobligedto implementit inthe Constitution
sense main objective of this article is the analysis of the principle of presumption of innocence.
Keywords: AnalysisprincipleofpresumptionofinnocenceUniversalDeclarationofHuman
Theprinciple of thepresumption of innocencewasrst recognizedin France asa
principle of democratic character directed against arbitrariness and guaranteeing
the real protection of the defendant from unfounded allegations in evidence and
proclaimed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in  at
favorofthe accusedcreated bythecardinalandFrench juristJean Lemoineinthe
late eighteenth century, based on the conclusion that most people are not criminals.
Its implementation is a legal right of the accused in the criminal process. Its essence
lies in the fact that the burden of proof belongs to the prosecuting authorities, which
mustgatherand present sucient and convincing evidence to prove that the fact
istrue andthat the accusedis guiltybeyond any reasonabledoubt The purpose of
thepresumptionofinnocence isto protectones rightsto securethe constitutionalright of
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