The process to buy or sell a property

AuthorPinkel, Tobias
Consum er mar ket stud y on the fun ctio ning of the r eal estate servi ces for consum ers in the EU Coun try Fiche Germ any
5. The process to buy or sell a property
5.1 Main st eps in t he transaction process to buy or sell a pr oper ty
Ta ble 9: M ai n st ep s of th e p roc ess t o buy or se ll a pr opert y
Ma in st ep s
Ma in f unct ion
Applicab le
Na ti ona l sp eci fici tie s/ a ddit ion al
fu nct ions/ m ain act ors
Est ate age nt ser vice s
Mat ching th e par ties
Alt er nat ive mat ching devi ces
Mat ching th e par ties
Pr elim ina ry cont ra ct
Securing t he t ransa ction befor e th e final
con tra ct i s con cluded
Not arisat ion r equi red to be v alid
Pr eli mina ry che cks (la nd regi ste r,
ad mini strat ive pe rm its)
Ensur ing t hat t he buy er k nows all legal
oblig ati ons a nd r elev ant featur es r elat ed
to th e pr oper ty
Professional duty of the n otar y
Dr aftin g t he sa les con tract a nd/ o r d eed
of con vey an ce
Sum marising th e agreem ent of the
part ies
Professional duty of the n otar y
Lega l a dvi ce or cou nse lling
Ensuring t hat t he t ransact ion is valid
and th at th e par ties k now ab out t heir
rights an d du ties
Professional duty of the n otar y
Cer tifica tion of sig natu re s
Ensu ring the validi ty of th e ag reem ent
Not arisat ion r equi red to be v alid
Con tract exe cut ion (tra nsf er of p aym ent )
Execu tin g the cont ract ( and secur ing
th at bot h p arties perf orm th eir
obl ig at ions)
Differed secur ity m echan ism s are
avail able such as pri orit y n oti ces
for convey ances
(Auflassungsv orm erku ng)
acco rding t o section 88 3 Ger man
Civi l Code ( BGB) in t he Lan d
Register (Gru ndbu ch). Thi s is
wi dely used . Paym ent via a notary
tr ust accoun t ( Not ar-And erko nto) ,

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