The quest for non‐Bayesian decision‐making heuristics: Towards a logic of imagination

Published date01 December 2023
AuthorArmand Hatchuel
Date01 December 2023
The quest for non-Bayesian decision-making heuristics: Towards a
logic of imagination
In this special issue, papers explore different trends of
non-Bayesian decision heuristics. They all address, to
some extent, the challenges of managing in the
unknown, that is, in contexts where surprises, discover-
ies, and innovations are frequent events. After a brief
reminding and synthesizing of four main conceptual
assumptions of Bayesian decision making (Savage,
1951,1972), we will develop a quick overview of non-
Bayesian heuristics that we classify according to the
Bayesian and Savagean assumptions they selectively
reject. This approach hopefully captures the manage-
ment issues and world views that each trend tries to
The development of Bayesian decision making in the
1950s has been a major achievement both for theory and
for practice (Raiffa & Schlaifer, 1961; Savage, 1951,
1972; Wald, 1950a,1950b) in deep interaction with man-
agement science (Erickson et al., 2013; Giocoli, 2013). In
theory, utility functions for probabilistic lotteries allowed
to compare decision alternatives facing uncertainties; in
addition, the introduction ofso called subjectiveprior
probabilities of uncertain events made possible to com-
pute, through Bayess conditional probabilities theorem,
the value of a new information about these events.
Bayesian theory is still highly influential in several fields
(statistics, medical science, finance, cognitive psychology,
AI, ) and in industrial practice when investment poli-
cies face costly uncertainties like in pharma or oil and gas
However, Bayesian probability and logic have been
also a highly controversial topic in statistical and man-
agement science (see, in particular, Hey, 1990,
Lachman, 1990, Shackle, 1972,1983). It was often
argued (see, for instance, two recent special issues in
European Management Review, Elmquist et al., 2019,
and Academy of Management Review, Alvarez &
Porac, 2020) that the assumptions underlying the
Savagean model were not adapted to major aspects of
organizational life that are now commonplace for com-
panies, states and consumers, namely:
i. Contexts where fast and unpredictable changes occur
and where unknown situations emerge and not only
knownyet uncertainevents,
ii. The routinized mobilization of entrepreneursh ip,
research, design, and innovation that forces to recog-
nize that unknown events are also proactively sought
and provoked by organizations.
Actually, criticism of the Bayesian model also indi-
cates directions of investigation and potential progress.
As often in science, research tends to keep existing
models as much as possible, while attempting to reject
the most unrealistic assumptions (Ehrig & Foss, 2022;
Grandori & Cholakova, 2013) and research has explored
new families of heuristics that extends Bayesian decision
framework (Ehrig & Schmidt, 2022; Feduzi et al., 2020).
Such endeavors are expected to, hopefully, offer tractable
alternatives to the standard approach.
Bayesian decision theory (Savage, 1951,1972) was built
by combining conceptual and technical axioms coming
from rational choice theory and from Bayesian probabil-
ity theory. These axioms can be synthesized through four
conceptual major assumptions that we remind broadly
below, avoiding unnecessary mathematical details.
Assumption 1: uncertainty in a closed and known
world. The Bayesian decision model assumes (i) a
fixed list of decision alternatives D that are opera-
tional and actionable; (ii) a fixed set of events E that
are all uncertain: meaning that the decision maker
ignores which one will happen; yet, it must be men-
tioned that the events that are elements of E are per-
fectly known, only their occurrence is uncertain. No
lack of precision or incompleteness in the definitions
of D and E are assumed (Hey, 1990; Loch
et al., 2008; Shackle, 1972).
Assumption 2: measurability of decision utility with
uncertain events. Coming from classic rational choice
this assumption means that it is possible to measure
(and compare) the utility (or costs, or consequences)
of a decision alternative in D when any event in E
occurs. Thanks to this measure, the decision maker
can evaluate the variations of the utility of each
DOI: 10.1111/emre.12625
632 © 2023 European Academy of Management. European Management Review. 2023;

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