The relationship between Prime Minister Mehdi Frashëri and his government with the press of the time (1935-1936)

AuthorValentina Hushi
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 4 No. 1
January, 2020
ISSN 2519-1284
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The relationship between Prime Minister Mehdi Frashëri and his government
with the press of the time
Valentina Hushi
Mehdi Frashëri 's government, which came to power on October 21, 1935, has a number of
elements that make it special and of interest to the study, one of which is his relationship with
the press of the time. His short tenure coincides with a long list of incidents with the la er.
The press’ initial reaction to his coming to power was positive unlike previous governments.
Unfortunately, it would not last and quickly changed to frequent criticism rarely applied to
previous governing bodies.
Mehdi Frashëri was set amidst a journalistic storm between people with opposing beliefs
about how to govern. In fact, the ba le between "Young" and "Old" had begun seven years
prior. "Youth" or "Neo-Albanianism" was an idea put forward by Branko Merxhani and
Vangjel Koca in the Gjirokastra press rst and then spread in some Tirana newspapers. They
demanded the coming into power of new people, with new pure minds, and moral principles.
In their view, a complete social renewal was needed which could be done by overthrowing the
old hypocritical, immoral, and evil administration. Enlightened people with an Occidental,
patriotic, and most of all dynamic mentality had to come to power (Minerva 35, October 1935,
p. 1, "Erdh koha jonë..). Represented by the newspapers "Illyria", "Arberia", and "Minerva",
with leading gures Nebil Cika, Tajar Zavalani, Odysseus Pascal, Stefan Shundi, etc., the press
openly critiqued the methods of the government and categorized the political ruling class by
the term "Old." The prime example was the minister of the interior Musa Juka, appointed by
King Amet Zog. Constantly making decisions without consulting the people, his talks and
a airs were completely secret from the eyes of the population and were only disclosed in
the form of laws. He did not believe that common people understood problems of state and
therefore everything was done without their consent or opinion (Ibid., Pp. 1-2).
On the other hand, there was press close to the authorities, represented mainly by the daily
newspaper “Besa”. Its publisher Fiqiri Rusi, a deputy in the Dibra area (Arkivi Qendror Shqiptar,
F. 149, V. 1936, D. I-1534, . 108), was supported by politicians including Abdurrahman Crosse,
known as one of King Zog's closest con dants. In this sense main objective of this manuscript
is the analysis of the relationship between Albanian Prime Minister Mehdi Frashëri and the
press of the time.
Keywords: Albania, Mehdi Frashëri, government, press.
The constant demand for a change in the form of governance was answered only in
October 1935 when the king elected Mehdi Frashëri as prime minister and charged
him with creating the new government. This king's decision was euphorically
conveyed by Youth press like never before. Mehdi Frashëri was considered an ideal
example of how "Youth" politicians should be. He stood for liberal but also critical
beliefs with the existing political class. In a series of writings, Frashëri analysed the

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