Use of the journal by students as a tool to improve reflection skills during writing

AuthorLeandro Xhama
PositionFaculty of Economics, University of Tirana, Albania
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
Acces online at
Vol. 6 No.2
September, 2020
Use of the journal by students as a tool to improve re ection skills during
Leandro Xhama
Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, Albania
The use of journals by pupils or students has a wide scope and is applied in various academic
elds as well as in everyday life of students. Its use depends on the objectives of the teacher
and the student and it can take di erent forms. Teachers use journals to sharpen students'
academic skills through a variety of methods. This article will present the methods and studies
conducted in relation to the use of diaries by pupils and students and how this tool a ects
their academic upbringing, self-improvement as well as the way it is re ected during writing.
Also the purpose of this article will be to introduce the process of using journals to encourage
re ection in the student. It will present student’s experiences in di erent areas during the
writing which in order to be learned correctly, they (the students) need to re ect whereas
teachers, as educators, should use all possible means to instill the student's re ective abilities
in order for the studetnes to mature and grow academically.
Keywords: writing, journal, vocabulary, re ection, language.
Throughout the learning process teachers and educators aim for their pupils
and students not only to acquire di erent knowledge but also to re ect on this
knowledge. The process of re ection is de ned as a process that is related to thinking
and exploring an issue being addressed which starts driven by a certain experience.
Leaver-Dunn et al (states that “... re ection distinguishes between professionals and
others ..”. Students during their academic progress they need to practice, improve
and repeatedly use their re ection skills. Regardless of strategies to promote this
process one way of learning used to encourage re ection is to keep a diary or journal.
The purpose of this article is to examine the process of using diaries as a technique
that can be used to promote re ection in student writing. This article will discuss the
re ection process, the research done on it and the di erent strategies that can be used
to include it in the English language curriculum in classrooms and auditoriums.
2. Literature Review
The use of diaries as a tool to aid the learning process constitutes the theme of various
studies. According to these researchers, a journal is a supportive tool of the learning
process which stimulates the re ection activity of students and during which thinking
skills are taught and explained (Francis, 1995). According to O'Connell and Dyment
(2006), who have studied the e ects of student writing on diary use, they indicate an
improvement in writing and the learning process in general. Kerka, (1996) explains
that students' responses can be used "in order to make connections between new

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