Violence against women and domestic violence in relation to the Istanbul Convention
Author | Nicole Kerschen |
Pages | 52-55 |
10 Violence against women and domestic violence in relation to the Istanb ul
10.1 General (legal) context
10.1.1 Surveys and reports on issues of violence against women and domestic violence
In 2015, the Luxembourg Institute on Health (LIH) produced a research report on the
causes of domestic violence in Luxembourg, called ‘Violence domestique au Luxembourg:
études des causes pour une prevention ciblée’ (LIH 2015),100 commissioned by the Ministry
for Equal Opportunities.
Each year, the Committee on the Cooperation of Professionals in the Domain of the Fight
against Domestic Violence publishes a report on its activities to the Government (Comité
2017).101 Its mission is to supervise the application of the legislation and to collect
10.1.2 Overview of national acts on violence against women, domestic violence and issues
related to the Istanbul Convention
The law of 8 September 2003 was the first law on domestic violence issued in
Luxembourg.102 When the Istanbul Convention was signed, Luxembourg considered that
its legislation on domestic violence was already in line with the main disposals of the
Istanbul Convention. Howeve r, Luxembourg want ed to reinforce the Law of 2003,
especially regarding direct or indirect violence against children.
The Committee on the Cooperation of Professionals in the Domain of the Fight against
Domestic Vi olence, pre viously mention ed, drew the attention of the Government to t he
fact that children, who were victims of domestic violence, were not supp orted by
assistance service s for victims because of a de cision of the custodial parent. Therefore,
one of the disposals of the Bill in Parliament was to make the intervention of the assistance
services for children compulsory.103
The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women
and domestic violence entered into force by Law of 20 July 2018.104 The Ministry for Gender
Equality launched a Website on the Istanbul Convention.105
10.1.3 National provisions on online violence and online harassment
There are no spe cific provisions regarding online violence and online harassment. There
are telephone helplines specialised in ‘Cybermobbing’, such as:
- BEE-Secure Helpline 8002 1234;
- Kanner Jugend Telefon 116 111 specialised for children and young people .
100 Website:
101 See Report 2017 on Website:
102 Memorial A No. 148 of 3 October 2003. Website:
103 Parliamentary Documents regarding Bill No. 7167, explanatory memorandum, p. 4. Website:
104 Memorial A No. 631 of 30 July 2018. Website:
105 Website:
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