Violence against women and domestic violence in relation to the Istanbul Convention

AuthorLídia Hermina Balogh
10 Violence against women and domestic vi olence in relation to the Istanbul
10.1 General (legal) context
10.1.1 Surveys and reports on issues of violence against women and domestic violence
Intimate partner vi olence against women is a major human rights, health and social
problem in Hungary. However, public policy has never regarded it as an important issue.
Comparable national data are lacking, as in Hungary very little relevant data collection
and research has been undertaken in the past 20 years. A paper from 2018 has reviewed
available research and presents the main findings: data proves the lack of relevant
information and knowledge about intimate pa rtner violence even amongst professionals
working at law enforcement agencies, and stereotypical thinking about intimate partner
violence (victim-blamin g or an idealised image of the family) is also accepted in a wide
circle of professionals and public opinion.415
10.1.2 Overview of national acts on violence against women, domestic violence and issues
related to the Istanbul Convention
The key element of national legislation regarding violence against women and domestic
violence is the Criminal Code,416 and especially the provisions on:
- sexual coercion (szexuális kényszerítés);417
- sexual violence (szexuális erszak);418
- sexual abuse (against children) (szexuális visszaélés);419
- incest (vérfertzés);420
- partnership violence (kapcsolati erszak);421 and
- stalking (zaklatás).422
There is also a separate Act on Restraining Applicable for Violence Between Relatives (i.e.
on the application of restraining orders).423
10.1.3 National provisions on online violence and online harassment
National legislation does not explicitly tackle online harassment; however, the
phenomenon can be addressed through the pre-existing criminal law provisions.424
Especially useful here is the provision on stalkin g (engaging in a conduct intended to
415 Tóth, O. (2018), ‘A nk elleni párkapcsolati erszak Magyarországon: Az elmúlt 20 év kutatási
eredményeinek összegzése’ (Intimate partner violence against women in Hungary: A summary of research
done in the past 20 years),, No. 4, pp. 1-28, available at:
416 Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (2012. évi C. törvény a Büntet Törvénykönyvrl), 13 July 2012.
417 Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (2012. évi C. törvény a Büntet Törvénykönyvrl), 13 July 2012, Article
418 Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (2012. évi C. törvény a Büntet Törvénykönyvrl), 13 July 2012, Article
419 Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (2012. évi C. törvény a Büntet Törvénykönyvrl), 13 July 2012, Article
420 Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (2012. évi C. törvény a Büntet Törvénykönyvrl), 13 July 2012, Article
421 Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (2012. évi C. törvény a Büntet Törvénykönyvrl), 13 July 2012, Article
422 Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (2012. évi C. törvény a Büntet Törvénykönyvrl), 13 July 2012, Article
423 Act LXXII of 2009 on Restraining applicable for Violence Between Relatives (2009. évi LXXII. törvény a
hozzátartozók közötti erszak miatt alkalmazható távoltartásról), 6 July 2009.
424 Parti, K. (2016), ‘A megfélemlítés (bullying) szabályozása Magyarországon és külföldön’ (Legislation
regarding intimidation/bullying in Hungary and abroad), In Medias Res, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 114-146,
available at:

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