Vision, Mission and Values

AuthorFrontex (EU body or agency)
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Vision, Mission and Values
A common vision an d mission for the EBCG is essent ial to align the expec tations
of its stake holders on th e TO EIBM outcome. The MS/S AC, suppor ted by the
European Border a nd Coast Guard Agency – Fro ntex – ensure the smooth and
lawful transit o f persons includin g their means of transp ort and object s in their
possession across the safe, secure and well-functioning external borders of the
EU in support of a Euro pean area of freedom, secur ity and justice. Underp inned
by st rict co mplian ce wit h funda menta l right s, in t he spir it of sha red re sponsi bilit y
and governed by principles of transparency and accounta bility, this is achieved
by activities undertaken at European and national level aimed at controlling the
external bo rders in a fully integrate d manner together, working ac ross policy
areas, bord ers and authoriti es. EIBM is implemente d by the EBCG and its par tners
drawing on a cultu re that fosters t he core values of professionalism, respect,
cooperation, compliance, transparency, accountability and fundamental
rights (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Mission, vision and values
• The smooth and lawful transit of persons and goods across the safe,
secure and well-functioning external borders of the EU
• Professionalism
• Respect
• Cooperation
• Compliance
• Transparency and
• Fundamental Rights
• The European Border and Coast Guard controls
the external borders in an integrated
manner together

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