Warranties of Albanian criminal law for children protection from 'indecency offences' and the Albanian judicial practice

AuthorMarilda Menkshi
PositionNational Bar Chamber, Albania
Vol. 2 No. 2
July 2016
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Warranties of Albanian criminal law for children protection from “indecency
PhD (C.) Marilda Menkshi
National Bar Chamber, Albania
Thispaper willfocus oncriminal actsof childsexual abusesexual oensesIn particular
will be analyzed the category of obscenity as a crime (lat. luksuri). This work will be analyzed
Albanian criminal law with the Convention, as a minimum guarantee to be provided by the
Specialaention will bepaid to theanalysis of thecriminal legislation particularlyto the
oenseluksuri, to see its adaptation in the Albanian transition period. There will be special
aentiontoAlbanian judicialpracticeinrelationto sexualharassmentobscenityThesewill
be used to identify the needs of the Albanian legislation, because legislation must not only be
Keywords: sexualoensesindecencyoences childphysical integritymoralintegrity of
children, sexual/homosexual relations with minors.
Albanian criminal legislation has paid special aention to the violation of sexual
freedom and personal dignity. However at the same time there is a distinction between
sexualoence and "crimes against honor and dignity of the person". If we refer to the
practices of other countries like France, Criminal Law provides in section III sexual
public morality and good customs (Articles 519-544) and are positioned in Section IX;
Switzerland’s Criminal Law stipulates in Chapter V of crimes against morality, sexual
crimes (Elezi, 2005, 101). The Albanian Criminal Law has established in section VI
SexualOences and Oensesagainstthe honoranddignity in section VIII of the
second chapter Criminal oensesagainstperson. This ranking is not inadvertently
made, because in Albania these category of crimes are considered serious crimes,
the protection of children, from sexual oenses as a vulnerable target group, due to
by the criminal laws of criminal actions (Elezi, 2005, 102). Within this section are
included indecencyoenses, which according to the forecast of the Albanian Criminal
Law, section 108, provides that Indecentoencesconductedwithminorsundertheageof
 Criminal Law No. 7895 dated 27.01.1995 amended by Law No. 8733 , dated 24.01.2001 , amended by Law 144/2013
Article 23 .

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