What is non-refoulement and who does it apply to?

What is non-refoulement
and who does it apply to?
Non-refoulement refers to the obligation of Member
States to refrain from expelling or returning
any individual in any manner to the frontiers of
territories or to any place where they may face
persecution, the death penalty, torture or other
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,
even if they are in an irregular migratory situation. In
the asylum context, the principle of non-refoulement
entails a requirement to grant individuals seeking
international protection access to the territor y and
to fair and ecient asylum procedures to determine if
the person shall be granted international protection
or not.
The prohibition of refoulement is applicable to any
form of forcible removal, including depor tation,
expulsion, extradition, informal transfer or
‘renditions’, and non-admission at the border. This
includes also indirect refoulement, which is the
return of a person to a third country where the
risk of refoulement exists. No asylum seeker should
be returned to a third country for determination of
the claim without sucient guarantees, in each
individual case. These guarantees include that the
person will be readmitted to that country, will enjoy
eective protection against refoulement, will have
the possibility to seek and enjoy asylum and will be
treated in accordance with accepted international
See Section “‘Key role of f‌irst-contact ocials”
of the Practical Guide.

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