No. 2022-01, January 2022
- Judgment of the Court Grand Chamber of 18 January 2022, Wiener Landesregierung Révocation d'une assurance de naturalisation, C-118/20
- Judgment of the Court Grand Chamber of 18 January 2022, Thelen Technopark Berlin, C-261/20
- Judgment of the General Court Seventh Chamber, Extended Composition of 19 January 2022, Deutsche Telekom v Commission, T-610/19
- Judgment of the General Court Fourth Chamber, Extended Composition of 26 January 2022, Intel Corporation v Commission, T-286/09 RENV
- Judgment of the Court Grand Chamber of 25 January 2022, Commission v European Food and Others, C-638/19 P
- Judgment of the Court Second Chamber of 13 January 2022, MIUR and Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Campania, C-282/19
- Judgment of the Court Fifth Chamber of 13 January 2022, Allemagne - Ville de Paris and Others v Commission, C-177/19 P to C-179/19 P
- Judgment of the Court Grand Chamber of 25 January 2022, VYSOČINA WIND, C-181/20
- Judgment of the General Court Ninth Chamber, Extended Composition of 26 January 2022, Leonardo v Frontex , T-849/19
- Judgment of the General Court Ninth Chamber of 12 January 2022, Verelst v Conseil, T-647/20