Books and Journals
Sources in this library
- 1957–2007. 50 años de derechos humanos y Europa
- 20 year anniversary of the Tampere programme. Europeanisation dynamics of the EU area of freedom, security and justice
- 25 years of European law online
- 30th annual report on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests. Fight against fraud 2018 : report from the Commission to the Europea
- A guide to risk assessment and risk management of intimate partner violence against women for police
- A long way to go for LGBTI equality
- A long way to go for LGBTI equality. Technical report
- A meta-evaluation of interventions for Roma inclusion
- Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
- Access to abortion services for women in the EU. Slovakia
- Access to the asylum procedure. What you need to know
- Annual activity report for the financial year 2018. Annual management report (Article 74(9) of the Financial Regulation)
- Annual report 2018. Judicial activity : synopsis of the judicial activity of the Court of Justice and the General Court
- Annual Report of the European Anti-Fraud Office
- Antisemitism. Overview of antisemitic incidents recorded in the European Union 2009-2019: annual update
- Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in law and policymaking at national level. Guidance
- Artificial intelligence in the operational management of large-scale IT systems. Research and technology monitoring report: perspectives for eu-LISA
- Atlas of migration 2020
- Balancing access to opioid substitution treatment with preventing the diversion of opioid substitution medications in Europe
- Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
- Banks’ bail-in and the new banking regulation. An EU event study
- Benefits of gender equality through infrastructure provision. An EU-wide survey
- Better regulation practices in national parliaments
- Biodiversity as a human right and its implications for the EU’s external action
- Blockchain and the general data protection regulation. Can distributed ledgers be squared with European data protection law?
- Blockchain now and tomorrow. Assessing multidimensional impacts of distributed ledger technologies
- Boletin Europeo de Derecho Alimentario
- Border procedures for asylum applications in EU+ countries
- Breaking down the barriers. Persons with disabilities and their right to vote in European Parliament elections
- Brexit. What you need to know as a non-EU citizen living in the UK if you have, or had, a family connection to an EU citizen
- Challenges facing sports event organisers in the digital environment. European added value assessment
- China IP SME helpdesk guide. Protecting your trade secrets in China
- China IP SME helpdesk. Cyber security law and IP protection: guide
- China IP SME helpdesk. IP factsheet Macao
- China IPR SME Helpdesk. Guide on arbitration and IP for EU SMEs
- Citizen science and citizen engagement. Achievements in Horizon 2020 and recommendations on the way forward
- Civil Law
- Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Cyprus. Identifying blind spots in Roma inclusion polic
- Combined evaluation of the European Union's humanitarian interventions in Afghanistan 2014-2018 and DG ECHO's partnership with Norwegian Refugee Counc
- Combined retrospective evaluation and prospective impact assessment support study on Emission Trading System (ETS) State Aid Guidelines. Final report
- Completing the banking union with a European deposit insurance scheme. Who is afraid of cross-subsidisation?
- Comunicación y Protocolo Empresarial en los países de la zona euro
- Constitución europea y Derecho penal económico
- Constitutive modelling for complex loading in metal forming processes
- Consumer market study on the functioning of the real estate services for consumers in the European Union. Annex
- Consumer market study on the functioning of the real estate services for consumers in the European Union. Country fiche : Bulgaria
- Consumer market study on the functioning of the real estate services for consumers in the European Union. Country fiche : Norway
- Consumer market study on the functioning of the real estate services for consumers in the European Union. Country fiche : Slovenia
- Consumer market study on the functioning of the real estate services for consumers in the European Union. Country fiche : The Netherlands
- Consumer market study on the functioning of the real estate services for consumers in the European Union. Country fiche: Germany
- Consumer market study on the functioning of the real estate services for consumers in the European Union. Final report
- Contribution to growth. European digital single market: delivering improved rights to European citizens and businesses
- Contribution to growth. The European digital single market: delivering economic benefits for citizens and businesses
- Cooperación Judicial Civil en la Unión Europea. El cobro de las deudas
- CORDIS results pack on elections and democratic participation
- CORDIS results pack on gender frontier research
- Coronavirus pandemic in the EU. Fundamental rights implications. Bulletin #4, 1 June - 30 June 2020
- Country guidance: Iraq. Common analysis and guidance note
- Country report non-discrimination. Lithuania 2020 including summary
- Country report non-discrimination. Poland 2020 including summary
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level Council Directives 2000/43 & 2000/78: Rep. of N. Macedonia 2020
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78 : Denmark 2020
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78 : France
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78 : Italy
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78 : Montenegro
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78 : Slovakia
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78: Albania
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78: Czechia 2020
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78: Germany 2020
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78: Italy
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78: Montenegro
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78: Romania 2020
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78: Spain 2020
- Country report non-discrimination. Transposition and implementation at national level of Council Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78: the Netherlands
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law? : Netherlands 2019
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law? Albania 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law? Austria 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law? Bulgaria 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law? Cyprus 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law? Czechia 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law? Greece 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law? Ireland 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Belgium 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Denmark 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Estonia 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Finland 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Hungary 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Italy 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Latvia 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Liechtenstein 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Lithuania 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Luxembourg 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Malta 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Montenegro 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Netherlands 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Republic of North Macedonia 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Romania 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Serbia 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Sweden 2020
- Country report, gender equality. How are EU rules transposed into national law?: Turkey 2020
- Public and Administrative Law (15500)
- Constitutional Law (3032)
- Civil Law (1699)
- Tax Law (1490)
- Business Law (1405)
- Social Sciences (1003)
- Labor Law and Social Security (747)
- IT Law (682)
- Economy and Business (591)
- Criminal Law (232)
- Procedural Law (171)
- Defense (31)
- Europolitics (11367)
- Wiley (5314)
- European Union Publications Office (4103)
- International Institute For Private Commercial And Competition Law (IIPCCL) (1341)
- Dykinson (883)
- Marcial Pons (654)
- Cacucci Editore (545)
- European Anti-Fraud Office (436)
- J.M. Bosch Editor (303)
- Mario Rostoni Library - Universita Carlo Cattaneo- LIUC (258)
Latest documents
- La libre circulación de personas en la UE. Una aproximación a su noción y alcance en clave ius privatista
- Persona física y movilidad transfronteriza: la necesaria interrelación entre el derecho de la UE y el derecho internacional privado
- La ciudadanía de la UE: de estatuto fundamental a su articulación con la nacionalidad estatal
- Estatuto personal y su continuidad en el espacio europeo
- Bibliografía
- Semblanza de Mª Teresa Regueiro
- Sobre la fidelidad y lealtad. Valor histórico y constitucional
- Justicia integral (contenciosa & colaborativa) como estrella del firmamento jurídico español
- Los derechos humanos, como ideología de concreción de la libertad. Inicio de su reconocimiento con especial referencia a España
- Abuso de debilidad y personas con discapacidad: entre la libertad y la justicia del contrato